pip install pytest-mock-generator
or install with poetry:
poetry add pytest-mock-generator
This pytest plugin
adds the mg
which helps when writing tests that use python mocks.
Let's start with an easy example. Assume you have a module named
which holds a function
to process a string sent to it and then add it to a zip file:
import zipfile
def process_and_zip(zip_path, file_name, contents):
processed_contents = "processed " + contents
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'w') as zip_container:
zip_container.writestr(file_name, processed_contents)
This is the function that you want to test (aka Unit Under Test or UUT).
You don't want to create a file on the hard drive and wish to mock it instead.
Although this is a very short function,
writing the test code takes a lot of time. It's the fact that the function uses
a context manager makes the testing more complex than it should be.
If you don't believe me, try to manually write mocks and asserts which verify
that zip_container.writestr
was called with the right parameters.
Generating the 'Arrange' and 'Assert' sections using Mock Generator
To generate the 'Arrange' and 'Assert' sections, simply put this code at the beginning of
your test function skeleton and run it (make sure to add the mg
from tests.sample.code.tested_module import process_and_zip
def test_process_and_zip(mocker, mg):
process_and_zip('/path/', 'in_zip.txt', 'foo bar')
This will generate the sections for you:
mock_ZipFile = mocker.MagicMock(name='ZipFile')
mocker.patch('tests.sample.code.tested_module.zipfile.ZipFile', new=mock_ZipFile)
mg.generate_asserts(mock_ZipFile, name='mock_ZipFile')
The generated code is returned, printed to the console and also copied to the
clipboard for your convenience.
Just paste it (as simple as ctrl+V) to your test function:
from tests.sample.code.tested_module import process_and_zip
def test_process_and_zip(mocker, mg):
mock_ZipFile = mocker.MagicMock(name='ZipFile')
mocker.patch('tests.sample.code.tested_module.zipfile.ZipFile', new=mock_ZipFile)
process_and_zip('/path/', 'in_zip.txt', 'foo bar')
mg.generate_asserts(mock_ZipFile, name='mock_ZipFile')
Excellent! Arrange section is ready. Run the test function once more to get the asserts:
assert 1 == mock_ZipFile.call_count
mock_ZipFile.assert_called_once_with('/path/', 'w')
mock_ZipFile.return_value.__enter__.return_value.writestr.assert_called_once_with('in_zip.txt', 'processed foo bar')
mock_ZipFile.return_value.__exit__.assert_called_once_with(None, None, None)
Wow, that's a handful of asserts! Some are very useful:
- Checking that we opened the zip file with the right parameters.
- Checking that we wrote the correct data to the proper file.
- Finally, ensuring that
and __exit__
are called, so there
are no open file handles which could cause problems.
You can remove any generated lines which you find unnecessary.
Paste that code right after the act phase, and you're done!
The complete test function:
from tests.sample.code.tested_module import process_and_zip
def test_process_and_zip(mocker):
mock_ZipFile = mocker.MagicMock(name='ZipFile')
mocker.patch('tests.sample.code.tested_module.zipfile.ZipFile', new=mock_ZipFile)
process_and_zip('/path/', 'in_zip.txt', 'foo bar')
assert 1 == mock_ZipFile.call_count
mock_ZipFile.assert_called_once_with('/path/', 'w')
mock_ZipFile.return_value.__enter__.return_value.writestr.assert_called_once_with('in_zip.txt', 'processed foo bar')
mock_ZipFile.return_value.__exit__.assert_called_once_with(None, None, None)
Can you imagine the time it would have taken you to code this on your own?
What's Next
Asserting Existing Mocks
At times, you may be editing a test function already containing mocks, or
you choose to write the mocks yourself, to gain some extra control.
Mock Generator can generate the assert section for standard
Python mocks, even if they were not created using the Mock Generator.
Put this after the 'Act' (replace mock_obj
with your mock object name):
Take the generated code and paste it at the 'Assert' section.
No output is printed to the console when running Pytest
Be sure to run Pytest with appropriate flags to print the output: pytest -rA
No output is copied to the clipboard
Mock Generator uses pyperclip for clipboard
manipulations, look for errors / warnings printed to the console, similar to this one:
Could not copy func results to clipboard Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/username/Documents/code/test_mock_gen/.envtest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mock_autogen/", line 25, in to_clipboard
File "/home/username/Documents/code/test_mock_gen/.envtest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyperclip/", line 659, in lazy_load_stub_copy
return copy(text)
File "/home/username/Documents/code/test_mock_gen/.envtest/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyperclip/", line 336, in __call__
raise PyperclipException(EXCEPT_MSG) pyperclip.PyperclipException:
Pyperclip could not find a copy/paste mechanism for your system.
For more information, please visit
It's possible that your system lacks some dependency, visit for
additional troubleshooting steps.
More information
Additional documentation can be found in the mock-generator pypi.
📈 Releases
You can see the list of available releases on the GitHub Releases page.
We follow Semantic Versions specification.
🛡 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT
license. See LICENSE for more details.
📃 Citation
author = {Peter Kogan},
title = {A pytest fixture wrapper for},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}}
This project was generated with python-package-template