pyTheia - A Python Structure-from-Motion and Geometric Vision Swiss Knife
pyTheia is based on TheiaSfM.
It contains Python bindings for most of the functionalities of TheiaSfM and more.
The library is still in active development and the interfaces are not yet all fixed
With pyTheia you have access to a variety of different camera models, structure-from-motion pipelines and geometric vision algorithms.
Differences to the original library TheiaSfM
pyTheia does not aim at being an end-to-end SfM library. For example, building robust feature detection and matching pipelines is usually application and data specific (e.g. image resolution, runtime, pose priors, invariances, ...). This includes image pre- and postprocessing.
pyTheia is rather a "swiss knife" for quickly prototyping SfM related reconstruction applications without sacrificing perfomance.
For example SOTA feature detection & matching, place recognition algorithms are based on deep learning, and easily usable from Python. However, using these algorithms from a C++ library is not always straighforward and especially quick testing and prototyping is cumbersome.
What was removed
Hence, we removed some libaries from the original TheiaSfM:
- SuiteSparse: Optional for ceres, however all GPL related code was removed from src/math/matrix/ (cholmod -> Eigen::SimplicialLDLT). This will probably be slower on large problems and potentially numerically a bit more unstable.
- OpenImageIO: was used for image in and output and for recitification.
- RapidJSON: Camera intrinsic in and output. Is part of cereal headers anyways.
- RocksDB: Used for saving and loading extracted features efficiently.
Changes to the original TheiaSfM library
- Global SfM algorithms:
- LiGT position solver
- Lagrange Dual rotation estimator
- Hybrid rotation estimator
- Possibility to fix multiple views in Robust_L1L2 solver
- Nonlinear translation solver can fix multiple view or estimate all remaining views in reconstruction
- Camera models
- Double Sphere
- Extended Unified
- Orthographic
- Bundle adjustment
- Using a homogeneous representation for scene points
- Extracting covariance information
- Possibility to add a depth prior to 3D points
- Position prior for camera poses (e.g. for GPS or known positions)
- General
- Added timestamp, position_prior_, position_prior_sqrt_information_ variables to View class
Eigen::Matrix3d position_prior_sqrt_information_;
- Added inverse_depth_, reference_descriptor, reference_bearing_ variables to Track class
- Added covariance_, depth_prior_, depth_prior_variance_ to Feature class
- Absolute Pose solvers
- UncalibratedPlanarOrthographic Pose
Usage Examples
Full reconstruction example: Global, Hybrid or Incremental SfM using OpenCV feature detection and matching
Have a look at the short example:
Download the south_building dataset from here.
Extract it somewhere and run:
python pytest/ --image_path /path/to/south-building/images/
Creating a camera
The following example show you how to create a camera in pyTheia.
You can construct it from a pt.sfm.CameraIntrinsicsPrior() or set all parameters using respective functions from pt.sfm.Camera() class.
import pytheia as pt
prior = pt.sfm.CameraIntrinsicsPrior()
prior.focal_length.value = [1000.]
prior.aspect_ratio.value = [1.]
prior.principal_point.value = [500., 500.]
prior.radial_distortion.value = [0., 0., 0., 0]
prior.tangential_distortion.value = [0., 0.]
prior.skew.value = [0]
prior.camera_intrinsics_model_type = 'PINHOLE'
camera = pt.sfm.Camera()
camera_intrinsics = camera.CameraIntrinsics()
pt2 = [100.,100.]
pt3 = camera_intrinsics.ImageToCameraCoordinates(pt2)
pt2 = camera_intrinsics.CameraToImageCoordinates(pt3)
pt3_h = [1,1,2,1]
depth, pt2 = camera.ProjectPoint(pt3_h)
ray = camera.PixelToUnitDepthRay(pt2)
pt3_h_ = ray*depth + camera.GetPosition()
Solve for absolute or relative camera pose
pyTheia integrates a lot of performant geometric vision algorithms.
Have a look at the tests
import pytheia as pt
pose = pt.sfm.PoseFromThreePoints(pts2D, pts3D)
pose = pt.sfm.FourPointsPoseFocalLengthRadialDistortion(pts2D, pts3D)
pose = pt.sfm.FourPointPoseAndFocalLength(pts2D, pts3D)
pose = pt.sfm.DlsPnp(pts2D, pts3D)
... and more
pose = pt.sfm.NormalizedEightPointFundamentalMatrix(pts2D, pts2D)
pose = pt.sfm.FourPointHomography(pts2D, pts2D)
pose = pt.sfm.FivePointRelativePose(pts2D, pts2D)
pose = pt.sfm.SevenPointFundamentalMatrix(pts2D, pts2D)
... and more
params = pt.solvers.RansacParameters()
params.error_thresh = 0.1
params.max_iterations = 100
params.failure_probability = 0.01
correspondences2D3D = pt.matching.FeatureCorrespondence2D3D(
pt.sfm.Feature(point1), pt.sfm.Feature(point2))
pnp_type = pt.sfm.PnPType.DLS
success, abs_ori, summary = pt.sfm.EstimateCalibratedAbsolutePose(
params, pt.sfm.RansacType(0), pnp_type, correspondences2D3D)
success, abs_ori, summary = pt.sfm.EstimateAbsolutePoseWithKnownOrientation(
params, pt.sfm.RansacType(0), correspondences2D3D)
... and more
correspondences2D2D = pt.matching.FeatureCorrespondence(
pt.sfm.Feature(point1), pt.sfm.Feature(point2))
success, rel_ori, summary = pt.sfm.EstimateRelativePose(
params, pt.sfm.RansacType(0), correspondences2D2D)
success, rad_homog, summary = pt.sfm.EstimateRadialHomographyMatrix(
params, pt.sfm.RansacType(0), correspondences2D2D)
success, rad_homog, summary = pt.sfm.EstimateFundamentalMatrix(
params, pt.sfm.RansacType(0), correspondences2D2D)
... and more
Bundle Adjustment of views or points
import pytheia as pt
recon = pt.sfm.Reconstruction()
veiw_id = recon.AddView()
track_id = recon.AddTrack()
covariance = np.eye(2) * 0.5**2
point = [200,200]
recon.AddObservation(track_id, view_id, pt.sfm.Feature(point, covariance))
opts = pt.sfm.BundleAdjustmentOptions()
opts.robust_loss_width = 1.345
opts.loss_function_type = pt.sfm.LossFunctionType.HUBER
res = BundleAdjustReconstruction(opts, recon)
res = BundleAdjustPartialReconstruction(opts, {view_ids}, {track_ids}, recon)
res = BundleAdjustPartialViewsConstant(opts, {var_view_ids}, {const_view_ids}, recon)
res = pt.sfm.OptimizeAbsolutePoseOnNormFeatures(
[pt.sfm.FeatureCorrespondence2D3D], R_init, p_init, opts)
res = BundleAdjustView(recon, opts, view_id)
res = BundleAdjustViewWithCov(recon, view_id)
res = BundleAdjustViewsWithCov(recon, opts, [view_id1,view_id2])
res = BundleAdjustTrack(recon, opts, trackid)
res = BundleAdjustTrackWithCov(recon, opts, [view_id1,view_id2])
res = BundleAdjustTracksWithCov(recon, opts, [view_id1,trackid])
res = BundleAdjustTwoViewsAngular(recon, [pt.sfm.FeatureCorrespondence], pt.sfm.TwoViewInfo())
This section describes how to build on Ubuntu locally or on WSL2 both with sudo rights.
The basic dependency is:
Installing the ceres-solver will also install the neccessary dependencies for pyTheia:
sudo apt install cmake build-essential
mkdir LIBS
git clone
cd eigen && git checkout 3.4.0
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && sudo make install
sudo apt install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libatlas-base-dev
git clone
cd ceres-solver && git checkout 2.1.0 && mkdir build && cd build
make -j && make install
Local build without sudo
To build it locally it is best to set the EXPORT_BUILD_DIR flag for the ceres-solver.
You will still need sudo apt install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libatlas-base-dev
So go ask your admin ;)
mkdir /home/LIBS
cd /home/LIBS
git clone
cd eigen && git checkout 3.4.0
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/LIBS/eigen/build && make -j install
cd /home/LIBS
git clone
cd ceres-solver && git checkout 2.1.0 && mkdir build && cd build
make -j
cd pyTheiaSfM && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DEigen3_DIR=/home/LIBS/eigen/build/share/eigen3/cmake/ ..
make -j
How to build Python wheels
Local build with sudo installed ceres-solver and Eigen
Tested on Ubuntu. In your Python >= 3.6 environment of choice run:
If you have problems like /lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.30' not found on Ubuntu 22.04 in an Anaconda environment try:
conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng
Another solution is to check the GLIBCXX versions. If the version that the library requires is installed, then we can create a symbolic link into the conda environment.
strings /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep GLIBCXX
# if the GLIBCXX version is available then do:
ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/
With Docker
The docker build will actually build manylinux wheels for Linux (Python 3.6-3.12).
There are two ways to do that. One will clutter the source directory, but you will have the wheel file directly available (./wheelhouse/).
Another drawback of this approach is that the files will have been created with docker sudo rights and are diffcult to delete:
docker run --rm -e PYTHON_VERSION="cp39-cp39" -v `pwd`:/home urbste/pytheia_base:1.2.0 /home/pypackage/
The other one is cleaner but you will have to copy the wheels out of the docker container afterwards:
docker build -t pytheia:1.0 .
docker run -it pytheia:1.0
Then all the wheels will be inside the container in the folder /home/wheelhouse.
Open a second terminal and run
docker ps
docker cp CONTAINER_ID:/home/wheelhouse /path/to/result/folder/pytheia_wheels