:Info: See github <http://github.com/mongodb-labs/python-bsonjs>
_ for the latest source.
:Author: Shane Harvey shane.harvey@mongodb.com
A fast BSON to MongoDB Extended JSON converter for Python that uses
libbson <http://mongoc.org/libbson/1.27.2/>
python-bsonjs can be installed with pip <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>
$ python -m pip install python-bsonjs
.. code-block:: python
>>> import bsonjs
>>> bson_bytes = bsonjs.loads('{"hello": "world"}')
>>> bson_bytes
>>> bsonjs.dumps(bson_bytes)
'{ "hello" : "world" }'
Using bsonjs with pymongo to insert a RawBSONDocument.
.. code-block:: python
>>> import bsonjs
>>> from pymongo import MongoClient
>>> from bson.raw_bson import RawBSONDocument
>>> client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017, document_class=RawBSONDocument)
>>> db = client.test
>>> bson_bytes = bsonjs.loads('{"_id": 1, "x": 2}')
>>> bson_bytes
>>> result = db.test.insert_one(RawBSONDocument(bson_bytes))
>>> result.inserted_id # NOTE: inserted_id is None
>>> result.acknowledged
>>> raw_doc = db.test.find_one({'x': 2})
>>> raw_doc.raw == bson_bytes
>>> bsonjs.dumps(raw_doc.raw)
'{ "_id" : 1, "x" : 2 }'
bsonjs is roughly 10-15x faster than PyMongo's json_util at decoding BSON to
JSON and encoding JSON to BSON. See benchmark.py
$ python benchmark.py
Timing: bsonjs.dumps(b)
10000 loops, best of 3: 0.110911846161
Timing: json_util.dumps(bson.BSON(b).decode())
10000 loops, best of 3: 1.46571397781
bsonjs is 13.22x faster than json_util
Timing: bsonjs.loads(j)
10000 loops, best of 3: 0.0628039836884
Timing: bson.BSON().encode(json_util.loads(j))
10000 loops, best of 3: 0.683200120926
bsonjs is 11.72x faster than json_util
Top Level Arrays
Because `libbson` does not distinguish between top level arrays and top
level documents, neither does `python-bsonjs`. This means that if you give
`dumps` or `dump` a top level array it will give you back a dictionary.
Below are two examples of this behavior
.. code-block:: python
>>> import bson
>>> from bson import json_util
>>> import bsonjs
>>> bson.decode(bsonjs.loads(json_util.dumps(["a", "b", "c"])))
{'0': 'a', '1': 'b', '2': 'c'}
>>> bson.decode(bsonjs.loads(json_util.dumps([])))
One potential solution to this problem is to wrap your list in a dictionary,
like so
.. code-block:: python
>>> list = ["a", "b", "c"]
>>> dict = {"data": list}
>>> wrapped = bson.decode(bsonjs.loads(json_util.dumps(dict)))
{'data': ['a', 'b', 'c']}
>>> wrapped["data"]
['a', 'b', 'c']
Installing From Source
python-bsonjs supports CPython 3.9+.
You must build python-bsonjs separately for each version of Python. On
Windows this means you must use the same C compiler your Python version was
built with.
- Windows build requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
You can download the source using git::
$ git clone https://github.com/mongodb-labs/python-bsonjs.git
Once you have the source properly downloaded, build and install the package::
$ pip install -v .
To run the test suite::
$ python -m pytest