|Build Status| |Coverage Status| |PyPI version|
Python module and command-line tool for storing and retrieving data in a
Docker registry.
- Store arbitrary data (blob-store)
- Content addressable
- Set up named aliases to blobs
- Supports Docker registry schema v2
- Works on Python 3.8+
Please note that dxf
does not generate Docker container
configuration, so you won’t be able to docker pull
data you store
using dxf
. See this issue <https://github.com/davedoesdev/dxf/issues/3>
__ for more details.
Command-line example:
.. code:: shell
dxf push-blob fred/datalogger logger.dat @may15-readings
dxf pull-blob fred/datalogger @may15-readings
which is the same as:
.. code:: shell
dxf set-alias fred/datalogger may15-readings $(dxf push-blob fred/datalogger logger.dat)
dxf pull-blob fred/datalogger $(dxf get-alias fred/datalogger may15-readings)
Module example:
.. code:: python
from dxf import DXF
def auth(dxf, response):
dxf.authenticate('fred', 'somepassword', response=response)
dxf = DXF('registry-1.docker.io', 'fred/datalogger', auth)
dgst = dxf.push_blob('logger.dat')
dxf.set_alias('may15-readings', dgst)
assert dxf.get_alias('may15-readings') == [dgst]
for chunk in dxf.pull_blob(dgst):
The module API is described
here <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/dxf/master/docs/_build/html/index.html>
The dxf
command-line tool uses the following environment variables:
- Host where Docker registry is running.DXF_INSECURE
- Set this to 1
if you want to connect to the
registry using http
rather than https
(which is the default).DXF_USERNAME
- Name of user to authenticate as.DXF_PASSWORD
- User’s password.DXF_AUTHORIZATION
- HTTP Authorization
header value.DXF_AUTH_HOST
- If set, always perform token authentication to
this host, overriding the value returned by the registry.DXF_PROGRESS
- If this is set to 1
, a progress bar is
displayed (on standard error) during push-blob
and pull-blob
If this is set to 0
, a progress bar is not displayed. If this is
set to any other value, a progress bar is only displayed if standard
error is a terminal.DXF_BLOB_INFO
- Set this to 1
if you want pull-blob
prepend each blob with its digest and size (printed in plain text,
separated by a space and followed by a newline).DXF_CHUNK_SIZE
- Number of bytes pull-blob
should download at
a time. Defaults to 8192.DXF_SKIPTLSVERIFY
- Set this to 1
to skip TLS certificate
- Optional path to custom CA bundle to use for TLS
- Optional platform (e.g. linux/amd64
) to use
for multi-arch manifests. If a multi-arch manifest is encountered and
this is not set then a dict containing entries for each platform will
be displayed.
You can use the following options with dxf
. Supply the name of the
repository you wish to work with in each case as the second argument.
dxf push-blob <repo> <file> [@alias]
Upload a file to the registry and optionally give it a name
(alias). The blob’s hash is printed to standard output.
The hash or the alias can be used to fetch the blob later using
dxf pull-blob <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...
Download blobs from the registry to standard output. For each blob
you can specify its hash, prefixed by sha256:
(remember the
registry is content-addressable) or an alias you’ve given it
(using push-blob
or set-alias
dxf blob-size <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...
Print the size of blobs in the registry. If you specify an alias,
the sum of all the blobs it points to will be printed.
dxf mount-blob <repo> <from-repo> <hash> [@alias]
Cross mount a blob from another repository and optionally give it
an alias. Specify the blob by its hash, prefixed by sha256:
This is useful to avoid having to upload a blob to your repository
if you know it already exists in the registry.
dxf del-blob <repo> <hash>|<@alias>...
Delete blobs from the registry. If you specify an alias the blobs
it points to will be deleted, not the alias itself. Use
for that.
dxf set-alias <repo> <alias> <hash>|<file>...
Give a name (alias) to a set of blobs. For each blob you can
either specify its hash (as printed by push-blob
) or, if you have the blob’s contents on disk, its
filename (including a path separator to distinguish it from a
dxf get-alias <repo> <alias>...
For each alias you specify, print the hashes of all the blobs it
points to.
dxf del-alias <repo> <alias>...
Delete each specified alias. The blobs they point to won’t be
deleted (use del-blob
for that), but their hashes will be
dxf get-digest <repo> <alias>...
For each alias you specify, print the hash of its configuration
blob. For an alias created using dxf
, this is the hash of the
first blob it points to. For a Docker image tag, this is the same
as docker inspect alias --format='{{.Id}}'
dxf get-manifest <repo> <alias>...
For each alias you specify, print its manifest obtained from the
dxf list-aliases <repo>
Print all the aliases defined in the repository.
dxf list-repos
Print the names of all the repositories in the registry. Not all
versions of the registry support this.
If your registry uses SSL with a self-issued certificate, you’ll need to
supply dxf
with a set of trusted certificate authorities.
environment variable to the path of a PEM
file containing the trusted certificate authority certificates.
Both the module and command-line tool support REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE
Alternatively, you can set the DXF_TLSVERIFY
environment variable
for the command-line tool or pass the tlsverify
option to the
Authentication tokens
automatically obtains Docker registry authentication tokens
using your DXF_USERNAME
, or
, environment variables as necessary.
However, if you wish to override this then you can use the following
dxf auth <repo> <action>...
Authenticate to the registry using DXF_USERNAME
, and print the
resulting token.
can be pull
, push
or *
If you assign the token to the DXF_TOKEN
environment variable, for
DXF_TOKEN=$(dxf auth fred/datalogger pull)
then subsequent dxf
commands will use the token without needing
, to be
Note however that the token expires after a few minutes, after which
will exit with EACCES
Docker Cloud authentication
You can use the
```dockercloud<https://github.com/docker/python-dockercloud>`__ library to read authentication information from your Docker configuration file and pass it to
.. code:: python
auth = 'Basic ' + dockercloud.api.auth.load_from_file()
dxf_obj = dxf.DXF('index.docker.io', repo='myorganization/myimage')
dxf_obj.authenticate(authorization=auth, actions=['pull'])
Thanks to cyrilleverrier <https://github.com/cyrilleverrier>
__ for
this tip.
.. code:: shell
pip install python-dxf
MIT <https://raw.github.com/davedoesdev/dxf/master/LICENCE>
Other projects that use DXF
This package allows you to transfer Docker images from one registry to
another. The second one being disconnected from the internet.
Unlike ``docker save`` and ``docker load``, it creates the payload
directly from the registry (it’s faster) and is able to compute diffs to
only take the layers needed, hence reducing the size.
.. code:: shell
make test
.. code:: shell
make lint
Code Coverage
.. code:: shell
make coverage
`coverage.py <http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/>`__ results are
`here <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/dxf/master/htmlcov/index.html>`__.
Coveralls page is `here <https://coveralls.io/r/davedoesdev/dxf>`__.
.. |Build Status| image:: https://github.com/davedoesdev/dxf/workflows/ci/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/davedoesdev/dxf/actions
.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/davedoesdev/dxf/badge.png?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/davedoesdev/dxf?branch=master
.. |PyPI version| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/python-dxf.png
:target: http://badge.fury.io/py/python-dxf