registerDomain | Register a new domain name | Yes |
registerDomainDrop | Register a new domain name using drop-catching | No |
renewDomain | Renew a domain name | Yes |
transferDomain | Transfer a domain name into your NameSilo account | No |
checkTransferStatus | Check the status of a domain transfer | No |
checkRegisterAvailability | Determine if up to 200 domains can be registered at this time | Yes |
checkTransferAvailability | Determine if up to 200 domains can be transferred into your account at this time | No |
listDomains | A list of all active domains within your account | Yes |
getDomainInfo | Get essential information on a domain within your account | Yes |
contactList | View all contact profiles in your account | Yes |
contactAdd | Add a contact profile to your account | Yes |
contactUpdate | Update a contact profile in account | Yes |
contactDelete | Delete a contact profile in account | Yes |
contactDomainAssociate | Associate contact profiles with a domain | No |
dnsListRecords | View all DNS records associated with your domain | No |
dnsAddRecord | Add a new DNS resource record | No |
dnsUpdateRecord | Update an existing DNS resource record | No |
dnsDeleteRecord | Delete an existing DNS resource record | No |
changeNameServers | Change the NameServers for up to 200 domains | Yes |
portfolioList | List the active portfolios within your account | No |
portfolioAdd | Add a portfolio to your account | No |
portfolioDelete | Delete a portfolio from your account | No |
portfolioDomainAssociate | Add up to 200 domains to a portfolio | No |
listRegisteredNameServers | List the Registered NameServers associated with one of your domains | No |
addRegisteredNameServer | Add a Registered NameServer for one of your domains | No |
modifyRegisteredNameServer | Modify a Registered NameServer | No |
deleteRegisteredNameServer | Delete a Registered NameServer | No |
addPrivacy | Add WHOIS Privacy to a domain | Yes |
removePrivacy | Remove WHOIS Privacy from a domain | Yes |
addAutoRenewal | Set your domain to be auto-renewed | No |
removeAutoRenewal | Remove the auto-renewal setting from your domain | No |
retrieveAuthCode | Have the EPP authorization code for the domain emailed to the administrative contact | No |
domainForward | Forward your domain | No |
domainForwardSubDomain | Forward a sub-domain | No |
domainForwardSubDomainDelete | Delete a sub-domain forward | No |
domainLock | Lock your domain | Yes |
domainUnlock | Unlock your domain | Yes |
listEmailForwards | List all email forwards for your domain | No |
configureEmailForward | Add or modify an email forward for your domain | No |
deleteEmailForward | Delete an email forward for your domain | No |
emailVerification | Verify a Registrant email address | No |