pyzeebe is a python grpc client for Zeebe.
Zeebe version support:
Pyzeebe version | Tested Zeebe versions |
4.x.x | 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 |
3.x.x | 1.0.0 |
2.x.x | 0.23, 0.24, 0.25, 0.26 |
1.x.x | 0.23, 0.24 |
Getting Started
To install:
pip install pyzeebe
For full documentation please visit: https://camunda-community-hub.github.io/pyzeebe/
The ZeebeWorker
class gets jobs from the gateway and runs them.
import asyncio
from pyzeebe import ZeebeWorker, Job, JobController, create_insecure_channel
channel = create_insecure_channel(grpc_address="localhost:26500")
worker = ZeebeWorker(channel)
async def on_error(exception: Exception, job: Job, job_controller: JobController):
on_error will be called when the task fails
await job_controller.set_error_status(job, f"Failed to handle job {job}. Error: {str(exception)}")
@worker.task(task_type="example", exception_handler=on_error)
def example_task(input: str) -> dict:
return {"output": f"Hello world, {input}!"}
@worker.task(task_type="example2", exception_handler=on_error)
async def another_example_task(name: str) -> dict:
return {"output": f"Hello world, {name} from async task!"}
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
Stop a worker:
await zeebe_worker.stop()
from pyzeebe import ZeebeClient, create_insecure_channel
channel = create_insecure_channel(grpc_address="localhost:26500")
zeebe_client = ZeebeClient(channel)
process_instance_key = await zeebe_client.run_process(bpmn_process_id="My zeebe process", variables={})
process_instance_key, process_result = await zeebe_client.run_process_with_result(
bpmn_process_id="My zeebe process",
await zeebe_client.deploy_resource("process.bpmn")
await zeebe_client.cancel_process_instance(process_instance_key=12345)
await zeebe_client.publish_message(name="message_name", correlation_key="some_id")
Use the package manager pip to install pyzeebe
pytest tests/unit
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
We use the MIT license, see LICENSE.md for details