qtoml is another Python TOML encoder/decoder. I wrote it because I found
uiri/toml too unstable, and PyTOML too slow.
For information concerning the TOML language, see toml-lang/toml <https://github.com/toml-lang/toml>
qtoml currently supports TOML v0.5.0.
qtoml is available on PyPI <https://pypi.org/project/qtoml/>
_. You can install
it using pip:
.. code:: bash
$ pip install qtoml
qtoml supports the standard load
API common to
most similar modules. Usage:
.. code:: pycon
import qtoml
toml_string = """
... test_value = 7
... """
{'test_value': 7}
print(qtoml.dumps({'a': 4, 'b': 5.0}))
a = 4
b = 5.0
infile = open('filename.toml', 'r')
parsed_structure = qtoml.load(infile)
outfile = open('new_filename.toml', 'w')
qtoml.dump(parsed_structure, outfile)
TOML supports a fairly complete subset of the Python data model, but notably
does not include a null or None
value. If you have a large dictionary from
somewhere else including None
values, it can occasionally be useful to
substitute them on encode:
.. code:: pycon
print(qtoml.dumps({ 'none': None }))
qtoml.encoder.TOMLEncodeError: TOML cannot encode None
print(qtoml.dumps({ 'none': None }, encode_none='None'))
none = 'None'
The encode_none
value must be a replacement encodable by TOML, such as zero
or a string.
This breaks reversibility of the encoding, by rendering None
indistinguishable from literal occurrences of whatever sentinel you chose. Thus,
it should not be used when exact representations are critical.
qtoml uses the poetry <https://github.com/sdispater/poetry>
_ tool for project
management. To check out the project for development, run:
.. code:: bash
$ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/alethiophile/qtoml
$ cd qtoml
$ poetry install
This assumes poetry is already installed. The package and dependencies will be
installed in the currently active virtualenv if there is one, or a
project-specific new one created if not.
qtoml is tested against the alethiophile/toml-test <https://github.com/alethiophile/toml-test>
_ test suite, forked from uiri's
fork of the original by BurntSushi. To run the tests, after checking out the
project as shown above, enter the tests
directory and run:
.. code:: bash
$ pytest # if you already had a virtualenv active
$ poetry run pytest # if you didn't
This project is available under the terms of the MIT license.