Random data generator for IDs, names, emails, passwords, dates, numbers, addresses, images, OTPs etc. This package includes data like names and addresses regarding Indian regions.
To install package from python-pip:
$ pip install randominfo
This package provides dummy data like...
- Name: First name, last name and full name.
- Gender: Male or female.
- Birthdate: Date generation based on given age range.
- Email: Email address generation.
- Password: Password generation based on specified pattern.
- Phone: Mobile number generation based on given country code.
- Address: Full address generation including street address, landmark, area, state, country, country and pincode of India.
- Unique ID: ID generator based on specific pre-fix value or next value based on given value or with random values.
- Profile Image: profile image generator based on specified gender or alphabetic character.
- Hobbies: random hobbies selector.
- OTPs: OTP generation with different types like only digits, only alphabets or digits and alphabets both.
- Other: random int or float number generation based on specific range or any value.
get_first_name(gender = None)
- Desc.: Returns the first name and the gender.
- Argument value: gender = 'male' or 'female'.
- Return value: String value.
- Desc.: Returns the last name.
- Return value: String value.
get_full_name(gender = None)
- Desc.: Returns the first and last name.
- Arguments: gender = 'male' or 'female'.
- Return value: String value (Combined first name and last name).
- Desc.: Returns the gender from the first name.
- Arguments: first_name for selecting gender based on first name.
- Return value: String value - 'male' or 'female'.
get_country(first_name = None)
- Desc.: Returns the country from the first name.
- Arguments: first_name for selecting country based on first name. If first name is not specified then it will return random country name.
- Return value: String value.
get_birthdate(startAge = None, endAge = None, _format = '%d %b, %Y')
- Desc.: Generates random date or the date specified between years from the starting age or ending age.
- Arguments:
- startAge: The starting age for year.
- endAge: The ending age for year.
- _format: Specifies the format of the date.
- Return value: Date as string.
get_otp(length = 6, digit = True, alpha = True, lowercase = True, uppercase = True)
- Desc.: Generates one time password or random value in specified length of characters.
- Arguments:
- onlyDigits: Allow only digits in random string.
- onlyAlpha: Allow only alphabets in random string.
- lowercase: Allow only lowercase alphabets in random string.
- uppercase: Allow only uppercase alphabets in random string.
- Return value: String value.
get_formatted_datetime(outFormat, strDate, strFormat = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
- Desc.: Convert string date into datetime object in specified format.
- Arguments:
- outFormat: A format in which we want output.
- strDate: A date which we want to convert.
- _format: A date format of which we have specified in strDate argument.
- Return value: Datetime object in specified format.
get_email(Person = None)
- Desc.: Random email generator.
- Arguments: Person: Person object. Function will generate a random email address related to specified person.
- Return value: Email address as string.
random_password(length = 8, special_chars = True, digits = True)
- Desc.: Generates random password of specified length and it includes special characters like !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, * and digits.
- Arguments:
- length: The length of password.
- special_chars: True if we want to include special characters in password.
- digits: True if we want to include digits in password.
- Return value: Password as string.
get_alphabet_profile_img(char, filePath, imgName, charColor = None, bgColor = None)
- Desc.: Generates image of specified character with background color and it stores on specified file path with given file name.
- Arguments:
- char: A character for writing in image.
- filePath: A path where the image will store.
- imgName: A name of image file.
- charColor: Character color name.
- bgColor: Background color name.
- Return value: A full path of stored image.
get_face_profile_img(filePath, imgName, gender = None)
- Desc.: Generates random person's image.
- Arguments:
- filePath: A full path from root to file name. Specifies where to store image.
- gender: To generates image from specified gender's person. 'male' or 'female'.
- Return value: A full path of stored image.
get_today(_format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
- Desc.: Generates today's datetime in specified format.
- Arguments:
- _format: A format for generating today's datetime.
- Return value: String value.
get_datetime(tstamp = None, _format = '%d %b, %Y')
- Desc.: Returns the random or timestamp datetime in specified format.
- Arguments:
- tstamp: Generates date based on specified timestamp.
- _format: Specifies the format of the date.
- Return value: Date as string.
- Desc.: Generates random address with street name, landmark, area, city, state and pincode.
- Return value:
[street, landmark, area, city, state, pincode]
| Type: List.
- Desc.: Generates minimum 1 and maximum 6 hobbies.
- Return value:
[hobby1, hobby2, ..., hobby6]
| Type: List.
- Desc.: An object which holds information related to a person. Information like first name, last name, gender, birthdate, phone number, email address, password, country, hobbies and address.
- Variables:
: Returns the first name of a person.Person.last_name
: Returns the last name of a person.Person.full_name
: Returns the full name of a person.Person.gender
: Returns the gender of a person.Person.birthdate
: Returns the birthdate of a person.Person.phone
: Returns the phone number of a person.Person.email
: Returns the email address of a person.Person.password
: Returns the password of a person.Person.country
: Returns the country of a person.Person.hobbies
: Returns the hobbies of a person.Person.address
: Returns the address of a person.Person.custom_attr
: Returns the list of custom attributes specified for a person.
- Functions:
Person.set_attr(attr_name, value = None)
- Desc.: Set the custom attribute of a person.
- Arguments.:
- attr_name: Attribute name for a person.
- value: Value for specified attribute.
- Return value: Attribute
is added.
- Desc.: Returns the value of attribute specified for a person.
- Arguments.:
- attr_name: Attribute name of a person.
- Return value: Attribute value as string.
: Returns all the details of a person. Type: Dictionary.