A cli for managing data and user access for the cloud application rastless
Table of Content
Requires: Python >=3.8, <4.0
$ pip install rastless-cli
RastLess has to be configured before you can check if everything works. Make sure that your aws account is configured
and has access to DynamoDb and S3.
You can check if everything works correctly by running:
$ rastless check-aws-connection
If it is not working, make sure to configure the aws connection by configuring the aws cli. You need an Access ID and a
Secret ID from aws to configure. Please check
the official instructions for further
Developer Installation
$ pip install poetry
$ git clone https://github.com/EomapCompany/rastless-cli
$ cd rastless-cli
$ poetry install
Run tests
poetry run pytest tests/ -v
Running the CLI
After installation you can run the ClI by using:
$ rastless --help
You can decide if you want to upload data to the production, development or test environment.
By using the "dev" flag you upload it to development environment. By using the "test" flag you upload it to the test
environment and without a flag you upload it to the production environment.
$ rastless --dev list-layers
$ rastless --test list-layers
$ rastless list-layers
Commands Overview
Commands | |
add-mpl-colormap | Add a custom colormap based on matplotlib colormaps |
add-discrete-colormap | Add a discrete colormap based on matplotlib colormaps |
add-sld-colormap | Add a SLD file |
add-permission | Add a role to one or multiple layers |
check-aws-connection | Check if cli can connect to aws |
create-layer | Create layer |
create-timestep | Create timestep entry and upload layer to S3 bucket |
delete-colormap | Remove a SLD file |
delete-layer | Delete a layer with all timestep entries |
delete-permission | Delete one or multiple permissions |
delete-layer-timestep | Delete one or multiple layer timesteps |
delete-cache | Deletes cache |
list-layers | List all layers |
list-colormaps | List all colormaps |
layer-exists | Check if layer id exists |
Accomplishing a running system
1. Check if you have access to the system
$ rastless check-aws-connection
2. Create a new layer
- All inputs are strings. You have to take care, that the element exists in the database e.g. the colormap name.
- Multiple permissions can be set by using multiple -pe flags
$ rastless create-layer -cl hypos -pr tur -t Turbidity -cm log75_C2S8_32bit -u FTU -b <rgb uuid> -d "Some description" -r 1 -pe user
It will return a new uuid which you need to store, in order to upload timesteps to the particular layer
3. Upload Timesteps for layer
$ rastless create-timestep -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -s SENT2 -l <layer uuid> -t daily -p deflate
Breaking changes
Version 0.3
The command "create-timestep" changed. Files need to be set as flag instead of normal input
- Now it is possible to set multiple files per timestep by setting multiple file flags -f
- To override a timestep which already exists you have to set the flag -o, otherwise you will be asked during uploading
if you really want to override it
- To append new files to an existing timestep you have to set the flag -a
- Attention: If you append a file to an existing timestep and the filename already exists, it will be automatically
without further action
Version 1.0.0
Small naming changes:
- fixing naming differences timestamp => timestep
command changed to => delete_layer_timestep
- permission parameter in all cli commands
change affected create_layer
command (before: -pe) - singular and plural inconsistencies (all create/ delete commands named singular)
=> delete_layer_timestep
# Before. Filepath without flag
rastless create-timestep file1.tif -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -s Sent2 -layer-id 1234 -t daily -p deflate
# Now: Single file. Flag: -f
rastless create-timestep -f file1.tif -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -s Sent2 -layer-id 1234 -t daily -p deflate
# Now: Multi file. Flag: -f <file1> -f <file1>
rastless create-timestep -f file1.tif -f file2.tif -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -s Sent2 -layer-id 1234 -t daily -p deflate
# Now: Override existing timestep. Flag: -o
rastless create-timestep -f file1.tif -f file2.tif -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -s Sent2 -layer-id 1234 -t daily -p deflate -o
# Now: Append file to existing timestep. Flag: -a
rastless create-timestep -f file2.tif -d 2020-01-01T15:00:00 -layer-id 1234 -p deflate -a
Version 1.7.0
- Add new endoints to delete layer cache in s3 bucket and dynamodb
- List-layer now has filter options for region_id, client and product
Publish and Release
When releasing we use semantic versioning to define the new version tag.
When pushing to master any commit message that includes #major, #minor, #patch will add a tag to the commit
with the respective version bump. If #none is contained in the merge commit message, it will skip the version bump.
When none of the above types is provided the default version bump (minor) is triggered. After the tagging a package
built and release to Pypi is triggered. If all steps were successfully a new GitHub release is created.