The Synthetic Data Gym (SDGym) is a benchmarking framework for modeling and generating
synthetic data. Measure performance and memory usage across different synthetic data modeling
techniques – classical statistics, deep learning and more!

The SDGym library integrates with the Synthetic Data Vault ecosystem. You can use any of its
synthesizers, datasets or metrics for benchmarking. You can also customize the process to include
your own work.
- Datasets: Select any of the publicly available datasets from the SDV project, or input your own data.
- Synthesizers: Choose from any of the SDV synthesizers and baselines. Or write your own custom
machine learning model.
- Evaluation: In addition to performance and memory usage, you can also measure synthetic data
quality and privacy through a variety of metrics.
Install SDGym using pip or conda. We recommend using a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other software on your device.
pip install sdgym
conda install -c pytorch -c conda-forge sdgym
For more information about using SDGym, visit the SDGym Documentation.
Let's benchmark synthetic data generation for single tables. First, let's define which modeling
techniques we want to use. Let's choose a few synthesizers from the SDV library and a few others
to use as baselines.
sdv_synthesizers = ['GaussianCopulaSynthesizer', 'CTGANSynthesizer']
baseline_synthesizers = ['UniformSynthesizer']
Now, we can benchmark the different techniques:
import sdgym
synthesizers=(sdv_synthesizers + baseline_synthesizers)
The result is a detailed performance, memory and quality evaluation across the synthesizers
on a variety of publicly available datasets.
Supplying a custom synthesizer
Benchmark your own synthetic data generation techniques. Define your synthesizer by
specifying the training logic (using machine learning) and the sampling logic.
def my_training_logic(data, metadata):
return synthesizer
def my_sampling_logic(trained_synthesizer, num_rows):
return synthetic_data
Learn more in the Custom Synthesizers Guide.
Customizing your datasets
The SDGym library includes many publicly available datasets that you can include right away.
List these using the get_available_datasets
dataset_name size_MB num_tables
KRK_v1 0.072128 1
adult 3.907448 1
alarm 4.520128 1
asia 1.280128 1
You can also include any custom, private datasets that are stored on your computer on an
Amazon S3 bucket.
my_datasets_folder = 's3://my-datasets-bucket'
For more information, see the docs for Customized Datasets.
What's next?
Visit the SDGym Documentation to learn more!
The Synthetic Data Vault Project was first created at MIT's Data to AI Lab in 2016. After 4 years of research and traction with enterprise, we
created DataCebo in 2020 with the goal of growing the project.
Today, DataCebo is the proud developer of SDV, the largest ecosystem for
synthetic data generation & evaluation. It is home to multiple libraries that support synthetic
data, including:
- 🔄 Data discovery & transformation. Reverse the transforms to reproduce realistic data.
- 🧠 Multiple machine learning models -- ranging from Copulas to Deep Learning -- to create tabular,
multi table and time series data.
- 📊 Measuring quality and privacy of synthetic data, and comparing different synthetic data
generation models.
Get started using the SDV package -- a fully
integrated solution and your one-stop shop for synthetic data. Or, use the standalone libraries
for specific needs.