Marvin is the ultimate tool to visualise and analyse MaNGA data. It is
developed and maintained by the MaNGA team.
|Build Package| |Run Test Suite| |CodeCov| |Coverage Status| |PyPI| |DOI| |astropy|
To install Marvin:
pip install sdss-marvin
If you would like to contribute to Marvin's development, you can clone
this git repo, and run pip install in editable mode which will install all the
dev dependencies:
git clone
cd marvin
pip install -e ".[dev,web,db]"
This will install all dependencies needed for development and testing, including for
the Marvin web/api server and the Marvin use of the MaNGA database.
To run the test suite on Marvin, use pytest tests/
. By default this will run all tests against
Marvin's core file access mode, as well as its database and remote access modes. The test suite uses
the following two galaxies: 8485-1901
and 7443-12701
for testing. To successfully run all tests
you will need:
- The file data for the two test galaxies
- A local MaNGA database with the galaxy loaded into it
- A local Marvin web server running
You can download the necessary test data with the command.
python bin/
You can run a local Marvin web server with the following command. This will start a local web server running
in debug mode on port 5000.
cd bin/
run_marvin -d -p 5000
You can disable database and web server tests by using Pytest markers. The availble markers and options are:
- slow: Run only slow tests.
- uses_db: Run only tests that use the database.
- uses_web: Run only tests that use the web/api server.
- --local-only: Run only tests that use local data.
To run the test suite minimally against the core marvin package with local file access, use the following command:
pytest --local-only -m "not uses_db and not uses_web and not slow" tests/
What is Marvin?
Marvin is a complete ecosystem designed for overcoming the challenge of
searching, accessing, and visualizing the MaNGA data. It consists of a
three-pronged approach of a web app, a python package, and an API. The
web app, Marvin-web, provides an easily accessible interface for
searching the MaNGA data and visual exploration of individual MaNGA
galaxies or of the entire sample. The python package, in particular
Marvin-tools, allows users to easily and efficiently interact with the
MaNGA data via local files, files retrieved from the Science Archive Server <>
__, or data directly grabbed from the
database. The tools come mainly in the form of convenience functions and
classes for interacting with the data. An additional tool is a powerful
query functionality that uses the API to query the MaNGA databases and
return the search results to your python session. Marvin-API is the
critical link that allows Marvin-tools and Marvin-web to interact with
the databases, which enables users to harness the statistical power of
the MaNGA data set.
You can find the latest Marvin documentation
here <>
Citation and Acknowledgements
If you use Marvin for work/research presented in a publication (whether
directly, or as a dependency to another package), we ask that you cite
the Marvin Software <>
__ (BibTeX). We
provide the following as a standard acknowledgment you can use if there
is not a specific place to cite the DOI:
*This research made use of Marvin, a core Python package and web framework for MaNGA data, developed by Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, Brett Andrews, and Joel Brownstein. (MaNGA Collaboration, 2018).*
Marvin's Bibtex entry to use:
author = {{Cherinka}, Brian and {Andrews}, Brett H. and
{S{\'a}nchez-Gallego}, Jos{\'e} and {Brownstein}, Joel and
{Argudo-Fern{\'a}ndez}, Mar{\'\i}a and {Blanton}, Michael and
{Bundy}, Kevin and {Jones}, Amy and {Masters}, Karen and
{Law}, David R. and {Rowlands}, Kate and {Weijmans}, Anne-Marie and
{Westfall}, Kyle and {Yan}, Renbin},
title = "{Marvin: A Tool Kit for Streamlined Access and Visualization of the SDSS-IV MaNGA Data Set}",
journal = {\aj},
keywords = {astronomical databases: miscellaneous, methods: data analysis, surveys, Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies},
year = 2019,
month = aug,
volume = {158},
number = {2},
eid = {74},
pages = {74},
doi = {10.3847/1538-3881/ab2634},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1812.03833},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.IM},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
Marvin is licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see the
.. |Build Package| image::
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.. |PyPI| image::
.. |DOI| image::
.. |astropy| image::
.. |readthedocs| image::