A Python package for SeaFlow flow cytometer data.
Table of Contents
- Install
- Command-line Interface
- Configuration
- Testing
This package is compatible with Python 3.10 and 3.11
To install this project from a clone of the repo use poetry
poetry self add poetry-plugin-export
poetry self add "poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]"
poetry install
pip install seaflowpy
Docker images are available from Docker Hub at ctberthiaume/seaflowpy
docker pull ctberthiaume/seaflowpy
docker run -it ctberthiaume/seaflowpy seaflowpy version
The Docker build file is in this repo at /Dockerfile
. The build process for the Docker image is detailed in /
Command-line interface
All seaflowpy
CLI tools are accessible from the seaflowpy
Run seaflowpy --help
to begin exploring the CLI usage documentation.
SFL validation workflow
SFL validation sub-commands are available under the seaflowpy sfl
The usage details for each command can be accessed as seaflowpy sfl <cmd> -h
The basic worfkflow should be
If starting with an SDS file, first convert to SFL with seaflowpy sds2sfl
If the SFL file is output from sds2sfl
or is a raw SeaFlow SFL file,
convert it to a normalized format with seaflowpy sfl print
This command can be used to concatenate multiple SFL files,
e.g. merge all SFL files in day-of-year directories.
Check for potential errors or warnings with seaflowpy sfl validate
Fix errors and warnings. Duplicate file errors can be fixed with seaflowpy sfl dedup
Bad lat/lon errors may be fixed withseaflowpy sfl convert-gga
assuming the bad coordinates are GGA to begin with.
This can be checked with with seaflowpy sfl detect-gga
Other errors or missing values may need to be fixed manually.
(Optional) Update event rates based on true event counts and file duration
with seaflowpy sfl fix-event-rate
True event counts for raw EVT files can be determined with seaflowpy evt count
If filtering has already been performed then event counts can be pulled from
the all_count
column of the opp table in the SQLITE3 database.
e.g. sqlite3 -separator $'\t' SCOPE_14.db 'SELECT file, all_count ORDER BY file'
(Optional) As a check for dataset completeness,
the list of files in an SFL file can be compared to the actual EVT files present
with seaflowpy sfl manifest
. It's normal for a few files to differ,
especially near midnight. If a large number of files are missing it may be a
sign that the data transfer was incomplete or the SFL file is missing some days.
Once all errors or warnings have been fixed, do a final seaflowpy validate
before adding the SFL file to the appropriate repository.
To use seaflowpy sfl manifest
AWS credentials need to be configured.
The easiest way to do this is to install the awscli
Python package
and go through configuration.
pip3 install awscli
aws configure
This will store AWS configuration in ~/.aws
which seaflowpy
will use to
access Seaflow data in S3 storage.
Seaflowpy uses pytest
for testing. Tests can be run from this directory as
to test the installed version of the package.