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Scalable EquiVariance Enabled Neural Network

  • 0.10.4
  • PyPI
  • Socket score

Alt text


SevenNet (Scalable EquiVariance Enabled Neural Network) is a graph neural network (GNN) interatomic potential package that supports parallel molecular dynamics simulations with LAMMPS. Its underlying GNN model is based on NequIP.

[!CAUTION] SevenNet+LAMMPS parallel after the commit id of 14851ef (v0.9.3 ~ 0.9.5) has a serious bug. It gives wrong forces when the number of mpi processes is greater than two. The corresponding pip version is yanked for this reason. The bug is fixed for the main branch since v0.10.0, and pip (v0.9.3.post0).


  • Pre-trained GNN interatomic potential and fine-tuning interface.
  • Python Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) calculator support
  • GPU-parallelized molecular dynamics with LAMMPS
  • CUDA-accelerated D3 (van der Waals) dispersion

Pre-trained models

So far, we have released three pre-trained SevenNet models. Each model has various hyperparameters and training sets, resulting in different accuracy and speed. Please read the descriptions below carefully and choose the model that best suits your purpose. We provide the training set MAEs (energy, force, and stress) F1 score for WBM dataset and $\kappa_{\mathrm{SRME}}$ from phonondb. For details on these metrics and performance comparisons with other pre-trained models, please visit Matbench Discovery.

These models can be used as interatomic potential on LAMMPS, and also can be loaded through ASE calculator by calling the keywords of each model. Please refer ASE calculator to see the way to load a model through ASE calculator. Additionally, keywords can be called in other parts of SevenNet, such as sevenn_inference, sevenn_get_model, and checkpoint in input.yaml for fine-tuning.

Acknowledgments: The models trained on MPtrj were supported by the Neural Processing Research Center program of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. The computations for training models were carried out using the Samsung SSC-21 cluster.

SevenNet-l3i5 (12Dec2024)

Keywords in ASE: 7net-l3i5 and SevenNet-l3i5

The model increases the maximum spherical harmonic degree ($l_{\mathrm{max}}$) to 3, compared to SevenNet-0 (11Jul2024) with $l_{\mathrm{max}}$ of 2. While l3i5 offers improved accuracy across various systems compared to SevenNet-0 (11Jul2024), it is approximately four times slower.

  • Training set MAE: 8.3 meV/atom (energy), 0.029 eV/Ang. (force), and 2.33 kbar (stress)
  • Matbench F1 score: 0.76, $\kappa_{\mathrm{SRME}}$: 0.560
  • Training time: 381 GPU-days on A100

SevenNet-0 (11Jul2024)

Keywords in ASE: 7net-0, SevenNet-0, 7net-0_11Jul2024, and SevenNet-0_11Jul2024

The model architecture is mainly line with GNoME, a pretrained model that utilizes the NequIP architecture. Five interaction blocks with node features that consist of 128 scalars (l=0), 64 vectors (l=1), and 32 tensors (l=2). The convolutional filter employs a cutoff radius of 5 Angstrom and a tensor product of learnable radial functions from bases of 8 radial Bessel functions and $l_{\mathrm{max}}$ of 2, resulting in the number of parameters is 0.84 M. The model was trained with MPtrj. This model is loaded as the default pre-trained model in ASE calculator. For more information, click here.

  • Training set MAE: 11.5 meV/atom (energy), 0.041 eV/Ang. (force), and 2.78 kbar (stress)
  • Matbench F1 score: 0.67, $\kappa_{\mathrm{SRME}}$: 0.767
  • Training time: 90 GPU-days on A100

In addition to these latest models, you can find our legacy models from pretrained_potentials.




  • Python >= 3.8
  • PyTorch >= 1.12.0

Here are the recommended versions we've been using internally without any issues.

  • PyTorch/2.2.2 + CUDA/12.1.0
  • PyTorch/1.13.1 + CUDA/12.1.0
  • PyTorch/1.12.0 + CUDA/11.6.2 Using the newer versions of CUDA with PyTorch is usually not a problem. For example, you can compile and use PyTorch/1.13.1+cu117 with CUDA/12.1.0.

[!IMPORTANT] Please install PyTorch manually depending on the hardware before installing the SevenNet.

Optional requirements
  • nvcc compiler

This should be available to use SevenNetD3Calculator or D3Calculator.

Give that the PyTorch is successfully installed, please run the command below.

pip install sevenn
pip install # for the latest version

We strongly recommend checking for new features and changes because SevenNet is under active development.


ASE calculator

For a wider application in atomistic simulations, SevenNet provides the ASE interface through ASE calculator. The model can be loaded through the following Python code.

from sevenn.calculator import SevenNetCalculator
calc = SevenNetCalculator(model='7net-0', device='cpu')

SevenNet supports CUDA accelerated D3Calculator.

from sevenn.calculator import SevenNetD3Calculator
calc = SevenNetD3Calculator(model='7net-0', device='cuda')

If you encounter CUDA is not installed or nvcc is not available, ensure the nvcc compiler is available. Currently, CPU + D3 is not supported.

Various pre-trained SevenNet models can be accessed by changing the model variable to any predefined keywords such as 7net-l3i5, 7net-0_11Jul2024, 7net-0_22May2024, and so on. The default model is SevenNet-0 (11Jul2024).

In addition, not only pre-trained models but also user-trained models can be applied in ASE calculator. In this case, the path of checkpoint generated after training should be identified in model variable.

[!TIP] When 'auto' is passed by device, SevenNet utilizes GPU acceleration if available.

Training and inference

SevenNet provides five commands for preprocess, training, and deployment: sevenn_preset, sevenn_graph_build, sevenn, sevenn_inference, sevenn_get_model.

1. Input generation

With the sevenn_preset command, the input file that sets the training parameters is generated automatically.

sevenn_preset {preset keyword} > input.yaml

Available preset keywords are: base, fine_tune, sevennet-0, and sevennet-l3i5. Check comments in the preset yaml files for explanations. For fine-tuning, note that most model hyperparameters cannot be modified unless explicitly indicated. To reuse a preprocessed training set, you can specify sevenn_data/${dataset_name}.pt to the load_trainset_path: in the input.yaml.

2. Preprocess (optional)

To obtain the preprocessed data, sevenn_data/, sevenn_graph_build command can be used. The output files can be used for training (sevenn) or inference (sevenn_inference) to skip the graph build stage.

sevenn_graph_build {dataset path} {cutoff radius}

The output sevenn_data/graph.yaml contains statistics and meta information for the dataset. These files must be located under the sevenn_data. If you move the dataset, move the entire sevenn_data directory without changing the contents.

See sevenn_graph_build --help for more information.

3. Training

Given that input.yaml and sevenn_data/ are prepared, SevenNet can be trained by the following command:

sevenn input.yaml -s

We support multi-GPU training features using PyTorch DDP (distributed data parallel) with single process (or a CPU core) per GPU.

torchrun --standalone --nnodes {number of nodes} --nproc_per_node {number of GPUs} --no_python sevenn input.yaml -d

Please note that batch_size in input.yaml indicates batch_size per GPU.

4. Inference

Using the checkpoint after the training, the properties such as energy, force, and stress can be inferred directly.

sevenn_inference checkpoint_best.pth path_to_my_structures/*

This will create the sevenn_infer_result directory, where csv files contain predicted energy, force, the stress, and their references (if available). See sevenn_inference --help for more information.

5. Deployment

The checkpoint can be deployed as the LAMMPS potentials. The argument is either the path to checkpoint or the name of pre-trained potential.

sevenn_get_model 7net-0
sevenn_get_model {checkpoint path}

This will create, which can be used as lammps potential under e3gnn pair_style.

The potential for parallel MD simulation can be obtained in a similar way.

sevenn_get_model 7net-0 -p
sevenn_get_model {checkpoint path} -p

This will create a directory with multiple deployed_parallel_*.pt files. The directory path itself is an argument for the lammps script. Please do not modify or remove files under the directory. These models can be used as lammps potential to run parallel MD simulations with GNN potential using multiple GPU cards.

Notebook tutorials

If you want to learn how to use the sevenn python library instead of the CLI command, please check out the notebook tutorials below.

NotebooksGoogle ColabDescriptions
From scratchOpen in Google ColabWe can learn how to train the SevenNet from scratch, predict energy, forces, and stress using the trained model, perform structure relaxation, and draw EOS curves.
Fine-tuningOpen in Google ColabWe can learn how to fine-tune the SevenNet and compare the results of the pretrained model with the fine-tuned model.

Sometimes, the Colab environment may crash due to memory issues. If you have good GPU resources in your local environment, it is recommended to download the tutorial from GitHub and run it locally.

git clone

MD simulation with LAMMPS

  • PyTorch < 2.5.0 (same version as used for training)
  • LAMMPS version of stable_2Aug2023_update3
  • MKL library
  • CUDA-aware OpenMPI for parallel MD (optional)

If your cluster supports the Intel MKL module (often included with Intel OneAPI, Intel Compiler, and other Intel-related modules), load the module.

CUDA-aware OpenMPI is optional but recommended for parallel MD. If it is not available, in parallel mode, GPUs will communicate via CPU. It is still faster than using only one GPU, but its efficiency is low.

[!IMPORTANT] CUDA-aware OpenMPI does not support NVIDIA Gaming GPUs. Given that the software is closely tied to hardware specifications, please consult with your server administrator if unavailable.

  1. Build LAMMPS with cmake.

Ensure the LAMMPS version (stable_2Aug2023_update3). You can easily switch the version using git. After switching the version, run sevenn_patch_lammps with the lammps directory path as an argument.

git clone lammps_sevenn --branch stable_2Aug2023_update3 --depth=1
sevenn_patch_lammps ./lammps_sevenn {--d3}

You can refer to sevenn/pair_e3gnn/ for the detailed patch process.

[!TIP] Add --d3 option to install GPU accelerated Grimme's D3 method pair style. For its usage and details, click here.

cd ./lammps_sevenn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'`
make -j4

If the error MKL_INCLUDE_DIR NOT-FOUND occurs, please check the environment variable or read the Possible solutions below. If compilation is done without any errors, please skip this.

Possible solutions
  1. Install mkl-include via conda
conda install -c intel mkl-include
conda install mkl-include # if the above failed
  1. Append DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR to the cmake command and repeat step 1
cmake ../cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`python -c 'import torch;print(torch.utils.cmake_prefix_path)'` -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDA_PREFIX/include

If the undefined reference to XXX error with occurs, check the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If PyTorch is installed using Conda, libmkl_*.so files can be found in $CONDA_PREFIX/lib. Ensure that $LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes $CONDA_PREFIX/lib.

For other error cases, the solution can be found in pair-nequip repository as we share the architecture.

If the compilation is successful, the executable lmp can be found at {path_to_lammps_dir}/build. To use this binary easily, create a soft link in your bin directory (which should be included in your $PATH).

ln -s {absolute_path_to_lammps_directory}/build/lmp $HOME/.local/bin/lmp

This will allow you to run the binary using lmp -in my_lammps_script.lmp.

Single-GPU MD

For single-GPU MD simulations, e3gnn pair_style should be used. The minimal input script is provided as follows:

units       metal
atom_style  atomic
pair_style  e3gnn
pair_coeff  * * {path to serial model} {space separated chemical species}
Multi-GPU MD

For multi-GPU MD simulations, e3gnn/parallel pair_style should be used. The minimal input script is provided as follows:

units       metal
atom_style  atomic
pair_style  e3gnn/parallel
pair_coeff  * * {number of message-passing layers} {directory of parallel model} {space separated chemical species}

For example,

pair_style e3gnn/parallel
pair_coeff * * 4 ./deployed_parallel Hf O

The number of message-passing layers is equal to the number of *.pt files in the ./deployed_parallel directory.

Use sevenn_get_model for deploying lammps models from checkpoint for both serial and parallel.

One GPU per MPI process is expected. The simulation may run inefficiently if the available GPUs are fewer than the MPI processes.

[!CAUTION] Currently, the parallel version raises an error when there are no atoms in one of the subdomain cells. This issue can be addressed using the processors command and, more optimally, the fix balance command in LAMMPS. This will be patched in the future.


If you use this code, please cite our paper:

	title = {Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Graph Neural Network Interatomic Potentials in Molecular Dynamics Simulations},
	volume = {20},
	doi = {10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00190},
	number = {11},
	journal = {J. Chem. Theory Comput.},
	author = {Park, Yutack and Kim, Jaesun and Hwang, Seungwoo and Han, Seungwu},
	year = {2024},
	pages = {4857--4868},


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