sfctools - A toolbox for stock-flow consistent, agent-based models
Sfctools is a lightweight and easy-to-use Python framework for agent-based macroeconomic, stock-flow consistent (ABM-SFC) modeling. It concentrates on agents in economics and helps you to construct agents, helps you to manage and document your model parameters, assures stock-flow consistency, and facilitates basic economic data structures (such as the balance sheet). For more documentation, see https://sfctools-framework.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
We recommend to install sfctools in a fresh Python 3.8 environment. For example, with conda, do
conda create --name sfcenv python=3.8
conda activate sfcenv
conda install pip
Then, in a terminal of your choice, type:
pip install sfctools
see https://pypi.org/project/sfctools/
Usage with Graphical User Interface 'Attune'
python -m sfctools attune
to start the GUI.
Usage inside Python
Try out this simple example:
from sfctools import Agent, World
class SomeAgent(Agent):
def __init__(self, a):
self.some_attribute = a
my_agent = SomeAgent(a='Hello')
your_agent = SomeAgent(a='World')
my_agents = World().get_agents_of_type("SomeAgent")
my_message = my_agents[0].some_attribute
your_message = my_agents[1].some_attribute
print("%s says %s, %s says %s" % (my_agent, my_message, your_agent, your_message))
The resulting output will be
SomeAgent__00001 says Hello, SomeAgent__00002 says World
More Examples
Have a look at the documentation page for more examples.
Cite this Software
You can cite the software as follows:
Baldauf, T., (2023). sfctools - A toolbox for stock-flow consistent, agent-based models. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(87), 4980, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04980
You can cite the software repository as follows:
Thomas Baldauf. (2023). sfctools - A toolbox for stock-flow consistent, agent-based models ( Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8118870
| Corresponding author: Thomas Baldauf, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Curiestr. 4 70563 Stuttgart | thomas.baldauf@dlr.de |