Shipyard BP Utils
Readme based of version 1.0.0a1
Table of Contents
This package is a collection of utils that are intended for universal use across all Shipyard Blueprints.
These Utils are used to handle common parsing of arguments from the application to the blueprint along with handling
common env var manipulations.
This util mainly manages the creation of files and folders so that the blueprint can store data for cross blueprint
By default, it has the following artifacts:
- logs: shipyard-vendor/artifacts/logs
- responses: shipyard-vendor/artifacts/responses
- variables: shipyard-vendor/artifacts/variables
This artifact is used to store logs that are generated by the blueprint. Prior to it was uses to store responses and
Currently, does not have a strong use case but later may be useful to add a handler to the Shipyard Logger to log to
this artifact.
Another use case which currently is most likely not be possible is to store the attempt logs
This artifact is used to store responses that are generated by the blueprint.
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
artifacts = Artifacts('jira')
response = jira.create_issue(fields=fields)
artifacts.responses.write_json('create_issue', response)
artifacts.variables.write_json('new_issue', response['issueId'])
if needed to pull values from another vessel you can do the following:
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
artifacts = Artifacts('jira')
response = artifacts.responses.read_json('create_issue')
This artifact is used to store variables that are generated by the blueprint.
The difference between the expectation of responses and variables is variables should contain the final result/side
effect of the vessal run that may be needed by another vessel and not the raw response details of individual responses
of a http requests.
for example:
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
artifacts = Artifacts('slack')
response = slack.send_message(channel=channel, text=text)
artifacts.responses.write_json('send_message', response)
{'message_ts': response['ts'],
'channel': response['channel'],
'contain_attachment': False})
if needed to pull values from another vessel you can do the following:
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
artifacts = Artifacts('slack')
message_details = artifacts.variables.read_json('message')
if message_details['contain_attachment']:
print('There was a report sent this week')
print('There was no report sent this week. Did something go wrong?')
Custom Artifacts
You can also create custom artifacts if you need to store data that is not a response or variable.
For example, if you wanted to store the details of a user that was created by the blueprint you could do the following:
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
artifacts = Artifacts('jira')
artifacts.users = artifacts.SubFolder('users')
response = jira.users.write('create_user', 'name='
response = jira.response.write_json('create_user', response)
Note: If you need the behaivor of what was once logs.determine_base_artifact_folder
you can do the following:
from shipyard_bp_utils.artifacts import Artifacts
base_artifact_folder = Artifacts('jira').base_folder
This util is used for common file manipulation and folder management.
It is used to create, read, update, and delete files and folders.
This util is used for common text manipulation.
Currently unused