A simple sitemap builder
The sitemap builder traverses links from a website and constrains itself to
the given domain name. The final result will be a simple sitemap deduced
from the links visited. The crawler will accept & process only URLs with
http or https schemes.
Installation and usage
To run the following command to install the tool:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install -U sitemapbuilder
To run the sitemap builder:
.. code-block:: bash
sitemapbuilder -u 'https://monzo.com' -o test_monzo.dot
Some websites have strong protection and the tool will not work for them:
.. code-block:: bash
sitemapbuilder -u 'https://bloomberg.com' -o test_bloomberg.dot
#. Generate Graphviz .dot
file showing directed links between pages. One can generate PNG/PDF and other image/document formats.
#. Have configurable decay
(maximum depth) to avoid abuse.
#. Visit web link within the same hostname by default.
#. Use 5 threads
by default and times out after 10 seconds
#. Timeout after 5 seconds
when fetching a URL.
#. Handle timeout exceptions when querying a website.
#. Send a HTTP HEAD
request and verify that Content-Type
is text/html
and charset
is either UTF-8
#. Have a map of visited URLs to avoid revisiting them.
#. Follow HTTP redirects.
Upcoming features
- Configure the number of threads and timeout via cmd args.
- Allow web links from all subdomains.
- Allow web links from a list of domains.
- Allow web links matching a pattern.
- Add an option for hierarchical sitemap instead of directed graph.
- Use PriorityQueue instead of Queue to process links with higher decay first.
- Fine-graned info, warn and error logging.
- Pass seed links from a file.
- Save to and resume from a DB/persistent data source.
- Faster concurrency and better performance with asyncio.