Python wrapper for some of the internal v2 SoundCloud API (read/GET only methods). Does not require an API key.
SoundCloud is not accepting any more application registration requests 1 so
I made this library so developers can use SoundCloud's internal API for their projects.
pip install soundcloud-v2
from soundcloud import SoundCloud
sc = SoundCloud(auth_token="auth_token")
assert sc.is_client_id_valid()
assert sc.is_auth_token_valid()
me = sc.get_user_by_username("7x11x13")
assert me.permalink == "7x11x13"
Notes on auth_token
Some methods require authentication in the form of an OAuth2 access token.
You can find your token in your browser cookies for SoundCloud under the name "oauth_token".
A new token will be generated each time you log out and log back in.
Notes on **kwargs
All API methods have a **kwargs
argument which you can use to pass extra, undocumented
arguments to the SoundCloud v2 API in case I missed some parameter which you find useful.
If this is the case, feel free to create an issue or pull request to document the missing