spenx |travis| |cover| |pypi| |license|
.. |travis| image:: https://travis-ci.org/ducent/spenx.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/ducent/spenx
.. |cover| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/ducent/spenx/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/ducent/spenx
.. |pypi| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/spenx.svg
:target: https://badge.fury.io/py/spenx
.. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v3-blue.svg
:target: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0
Tiny template parser which will convert a pugjs <https://github.com/kakulukia/pypugjs>
_ like syntax to HTML with the help of popular template engines.
spenx is not a direct port of the javascript pugjs library but has been heavily influenced by it so don't expect full pugjs features to work. That being said, if you need to add a feature, don't hesitate to submit your pull requests or open an issue!
In spenx, statements, like conditions and loops, are not processed and outputted "as it" to be processed by the template engine you wish to use.
At the time being, only Jinja2 and Mako has been tested but adding support for anything else should be easy.
Why another parser?
I know there's a lot of port of jade, pugjs and so on for python. But everyone seems to be unmaintained. I really like the syntax use by pug and want something simplier and easier to maintain in the future with a strict set of features.
This is why the parser is defined using Arpeggio <https://github.com/textX/Arpeggio>
_ and the cleanpeg syntax. It's easier to read, understand and maintain.
The spenx code is really tiny, check it yourself!
.. code-block:: console
$ pip install spenx
Using spenx is fairly easy:
.. code-block:: python
from spenx import Parser
Without backend
parser = Parser()
p Hello world
Hello world
Using jinja2
from spenx.ext.jinja import Spenx
from jinja import Environment
env = Environment(
# Common jinja parameters
extensions=[Spenx], # And the spenx extension
Only preprocess files with given extensions
env.spenx_process_extensions = ['.pug', '.spenx'] # Those are the default
And use env.get_template and render as usual
Using mako
from spenx.ext.mako import preprocessor
from mako.template import Template
tpl = Template("p Hello world", preprocessor=preprocessor)
And use render as usual
If you're already using pugjs, you should feel familiar with the syntax (see the tests/
folder for more insights).
Valid attributes values are:
- strings, enclosed in
or \`` (
type='text'`) - booleans (
) - numbers (
.. code-block:: text
title My first spenx webpage!
h1 spenx
| Did I said you'll feel right at home if you're using pugjs?
| Because I guess that's right!
p Without a tag defined, div will be assumed
strong pretty cool huh?
And this is what's rendered by spenx:
.. code-block:: text
My first spenx webpage!
Did I said you'll feel right at home if you're using pugjs? Because I guess that's right!
Without a tag defined, div will be assumed pretty cool huh?
And after using BeautifulSoup:
.. code-block:: text
My first spenx webpage!
Did I said you'll feel right at home if you're using pugjs? Because I guess that's right!
Without a tag defined, div will be assumed
pretty cool huh?
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install -e .[test]
$ python -m nose --with-doctest -v --with-coverage --cover-package=spenx