Low memory overhead alternative to Python's dict
, with string keys and values.
Uses half of the memory of dict
for strings of length 40, at the cost of being
half as fast. More improvement at shorter strings, less at longer ones. See more
at benchmarks.
📝 Documentation
Drop-in replacement for dict
with the following limitations:
- Only supports string keys and values.
- Iterating order is unspecified.
- Any modification invalidates iterators.
>>> from strstrdict import StrStrDict
>>> d = StrStrDict()
>>> d['foo'] = 'bar'
>>> d['foo']
To KISS, this project only supports a string to string dictionary.
🐍 Installation
pip install strstrdict
📈 Benchmarks
Filling a dictionary with 1m items, key and value strings
5-10 chars long, from a
pool of 2m random strings. Then reading values 1m
times, with a 50% hit rate.
| Fill time (s) | Read time (s) | Memory (MB) |
dict | 0.19s | 0.17s | 159.60 |
sqlitedict1 | 10.31s | 51.79s | 69.41 |
strstrdict | 0.41s | 0.44s | 64.44 |
Filling a dictionary with 1m items, key and value strings
20-30 chars long, from a
pool of 2m random strings. Then reading values 1m
times, with a 50% hit rate.
| Fill time (s) | Read time (s) | Memory (MB) |
dict | 0.26s | 0.21s | 193.23 |
sqlitedict1 | 9.17s | 41.09s | 139.40 |
strstrdict | 0.41s | 0.42s | 95.38 |
Filling a dictionary with 1m items, key and value strings
100-200 chars long, from a
pool of 2m random strings. Then reading values 1m
times, with a 50% hit rate.
| Fill time (s) | Read time (s) | Memory (MB) |
dict | 0.38s | 0.24s | 447.02 |
sqlitedict1 | 11.31s | 42.62s | 572.88 |
strstrdict | 0.76s | 0.56s | 344.73 |
🙏 Thanks & Credits
parallel-hashmap for their amazing header-only library!
pysimdjson for a reference how to write a cython lib!