sts models
model objects have their attributes defined in camelCase to align with what is normal in javascript (and JSON).
use python3 sdist bdist_wheel to make new version
then remove old whl and tar files
then use python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
to reupload
then, in the project the library is to be used in, do
pip uninstall
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url
to get the latest
once the dependency is solidified, you don't have to use test.pypi, so instead, the above becomes:
use python3 sdist bdist_wheel to make new version
then remove old whl and tar files
then use python3 -m twine upload dist/*
to reupload
then, in the project the library is to be used in, do
pip uninstall
pip install
to get the latest
Don't forget to save the dependency snapshot in this and the other package!
pip freeze > requirements.txt