
Textify is a Python library for creating dynamic and visually engaging text effects. It offers multiple functions to display text with unique animations and styles, perfect for enhancing console-based projects.
- Typing Effect: Simulates the effect of typing text character by character.
- Falling Text: Characters "fall" into place, similar to the rain effect from The Matrix.
- Scramble Effect: Displays random characters that gradually transform into the actual text.
- Wave Text: Makes the text move in a wave-like pattern.
- Untyping Effect (New in v0.2): Gradually erases text character by character.
- Unfalling Text (New in v0.2): The text vanishes in a scattered manner.
- Unscramble Effect (New in v0.2): The text gradually scrambles into random characters until it disappears.
- Unwave Text (New in v0.2): The text starts in a wave-like pattern and gradually stabilizes.
You can install it With:
pip install textfx
or You can clone this repository and use the textfx.py
file directly in your project:
git clone https://github.com/iliakarimi/textfx.git
Then, import the required functions in your Python script:
from textfx import typeeffect, falltext, scrameffect, wavetext, untypeeffect, unfalltext, unscrameffect, unwavetext
Below are examples of how to use each function:
Typing Effect
from textfx import typeeffect
typeeffect("Hello, world!", delay=0.1)
Falling Text
from textfx import falltext
falltext("Falling Text", delay=0.2)
Scramble Effect
from textfx import scrameffect
scrameffect("Scrambled Text", delay=0.1)
Wave Text
from textfx import wavetext
wavetext("Wave Text", delay=0.2)
Untyping Effect (New in v0.2)
from textfx import untypeeffect
untypeeffect("Erasing Text", delay=0.1)
Unfalling Text (New in v0.2)
from textfx import unfalltext
unfalltext("Vanishing Text", delay=0.1)
Unscramble Effect (New in v0.2)
from textfx import unscrameffect
unscrameffect("Glitching Away", delay=0.1)
Unwave Text (New in v0.2)
from textfx import unwavetext
unwavetext("Steadying Waves", delay=0.1)
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. Suggestions for new effects and improvements are always welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Enjoy using Textify! Let your text come to life!