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Use the latest type annotation features in older versions of Python.
When working with Python development for VFX pipelines we are often stuck with older
Python versions for the runtime.
aims to bridge that gap since it allows us to use features such as static type
checking (which could be performed by newer Python versions with support for MyPy during
the testing phase) even though the code might be designed to run in Python 2.7, for
is available through pip
pip install tippo
Instead of importing from typing
and/or typing_extensions
.. code:: python
>>> try:
... from typing import TypeAlias
... except ImportError:
... from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
>>> try:
... from typing import final
... except ImportError:
... from typing_extensions import final
...just import directly from tippo
.. code:: python
>>> from tippo import TypeAlias, final
Generic Fixes
patches GenericMeta
to fix known bugs for the Python 2.7 version of typing
that were not addressed since it's not officially supported anymore.
Generic class comparison:
.. code:: python
>>> from tippo import Mapping
>>> assert Mapping[str, int] == Mapping[str, int] # passes
>>> assert not (Mapping[str, int] != Mapping[str, int]) # passes
Subclassing a generic class with a __weakref__
.. code:: python
>>> from weakref import ref
>>> from tippo import Generic, TypeVar
>>> T = TypeVar("T")
>>> class MyGeneric(Generic[T]):
... __slots__ = ("__weakref__",)
>>> class SubClass(MyGeneric[T]): # does not error out
... __slots__ = ()
>>> instance = SubClass()
>>> instance_ref = ref(instance)
In order to maintain the same interface, GenericMeta
points to type
when imported
from tippo
in newer versions of Python.
Features from the latest versions of Python, such as TypeAlias
, ClassVar
, NewType
, and get_args
.. code:: python
>>> from tippo import Mapping, get_args, get_name
>>> mapping_type = Mapping[str, int]
>>> [get_name(a) for a in get_args(mapping_type)]
['str', 'int']
Commonly Used Protocols
Such as:
.. code:: python
>>> from tippo import SupportsGetItem
>>> class Foo(object):
... def __getitem__(self, item):
... # type: (str) -> int
... return 3
>>> def get_stuff(bar):
... # type: (SupportsGetItem[str, int]) -> int
... return bar["stuff"]
>>> assert get_stuff(Foo()) == 3 # passes static type checking
>>> assert get_stuff({"stuff": 3}) == 3 # passes static type checking