Social Media Prediction Model
In order to get this package working you will need to install it via pip (with a Python3.5 version or higher) on the terminal by typing:
$ pip install twinpics
Additionally, if you want to use the latest version instead of the stable one, you can just use the following command:
$ pip install git+
The developer branch ensures the user that the most updated version will always be the working and fully operative so as not to wait until the stable release on the master branch comes out (which eventually may take some time depending on the amount of issues to solve).
You can find the complete developer documentation at:, hosted on Read the Docs and generated using sphinx with the theme sphinx_rtd_theme which is the standard Read the Docs theme for sphinx.
So as to use this Python package, a sample piece of code is presented below:
import twinpics
So on, the previous piece of code outputs the following line:
"This is a sample function"
As this is an open source project it is open to contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas. There is an open tab of issues where anyone can open new issues if needed or navigate through them in order to solve them or contribute to its solving. Remember that issues are not threads to describe multiple problems, this does not mean that issues can't be discussed, but so to keep a structured project management, the same issue should not describe different problems, just the main one and some nested/related errors that may be found.
When citing this repository on your publications please use the following BibTeX citation:
author = { Alberto Martín Mateos and Niloufar Shoeibi },
title = { twinpics - Social Media Prediction Model },
year = { 2020 },
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
howpublished = {\url{}}
This repository has been generated using pypackage-cookie made with love by @alvarobartt