
Visiongraph is a high level computer vision framework that includes predefined modules to quickly create and run algorithms on images. It is based on opencv and includes other computer vision frameworks like Intel openVINO and Google MediaPipe.
Here an example on how to start a webcam capture and display the image:
from visiongraph import vg
Get started with visiongraph
by reading the documentation.
Visiongraph supports Python 3.10 and 3.11. Other versions may also work, but are not officially supported. Usually this is a third-party dependency problem: for example, pyrealsense2 does not have wheel packages for 3.12
To install visiongraph with all dependencies call pip like this:
pip install "visiongraph[all]"
It is also possible to only install certain packages depending on your needs (recommended):
pip install "visiongraph[realsense, openvino]"
Please read more about the extra packages in the documentation.
To demonstrate the possibilities of visiongraph there are already implemented examples ready for you to try out. Here is a list of the current examples:
There are even more examples where visiongraph is currently in use:
To develop on visiograph it is recommended to clone this repository and install the dependencies like this:
pip install -e ".[all]"
To build a new wheel package of visiongraph run the following command in the root directory.
python bdist_wheel
To generate the documentation, use the following commands.
python doc
python doc --launch
Parts of these libraries are directly included and adapted to work with visiongraph.
Here you can find a list of the dependencies of visiongraph and their licence:
depthai MIT License
faiss-cpu MIT License
filterpy MIT License
mediapipe Apache License 2.0
moviepy MIT License
numba BSD License
onnxruntime MIT License
onnxruntime-directml MIT License
onnxruntime-gpu MIT License
opencv-python Apache License 2.0
openvino Apache License 2.0
pyk4a-bundle MIT License
pyopengl BSD License
pyrealsense2 Apache License 2.0
pyrealsense2-macosx Apache License 2.0
requests Apache License 2.0
scipy MIT License
SpoutGL BSD License
syphon-python MIT License
tqdm MIT License
vector BSD License
vidgear Apache License 2.0
wheel MIT License
For more information about the dependencies have a look at the requirements.txt.
Please note that some models (such as Ultralytics YOLOv8 and YOLOv11) have specific licences (AGPLv3). Always check the model licence before using the model.
Copyright (c) 2025 Florian Bruggisser