.. image:: https://gitlab.com/neonjungle/wagtail-metadata/badges/master/pipeline.svg
:target: https://gitlab.com/neonjungle/wagtail-metadata/pipelines?ref=master
This plugin adds custom properties to your page models and then lets you output meta-attribute tags using the included template tag.
These tags help with search engine optimisations and for creating nice shareable links for social media, mainly Facebook and Twitter.
Wagtail-metadata works with Wagtail v5.0 and upwards.
For compatibility with older versions of Wagtail, see past releases.
First, install using pip::
pip install wagtail-metadata
Then add wagtailmetadata
to your project's INSTALLED_APPS
.. code-block:: python
# etc...
# etc...
# Add the following:
Pages should inherit from wagtailmetadata.models.MetadataPageMixin
This provides a search_image
field in the Wagtail interface for that page type.
The description for the page will be pulled from the search_description
Metadata for the page will then be built from the page details.
.. code-block:: python
from wagtail.core.models import Page
from wagtailmetadata.models import MetadataPageMixin
class ContentPage(MetadataPageMixin, Page):
.. note::
Ensure you put ``MetadataPageMixin`` before ``Page``.
If you want to use this with a non-page model,
or want to use a different implementation for the fields,
you can inherit from wagtailmetadata.models.MetadataMixin
You will need to implement the following methods:
.. code-block:: python
from wagtailmetadata.models import MetadataMixin
class CustomObject(MetadataMixin, object):
def get_meta_title(self):
"""The title of this object"""
return "My custom object"
def get_meta_url(self):
"""The URL of this object, including protocol and domain"""
return "http://example.com/my-custom-object/"
def get_meta_description(self):
A short text description of this object.
This should be plain text, not HTML.
return "This thing is really cool, you should totally check it out"
def get_meta_image_url(self, request):
Return a url for an image to use, see the MetadataPageMixin if using a Wagtail image
return 'https://neonjungle.studio/share.png'
def get_meta_twitter_card_type(self):
What kind of Twitter card to show this as.
Defaults to ``summary_large_photo`` if there is a meta image,
or ``summary`` if there is no image. Optional.
return "summary_large_photo"
If your custom object uses Wagtail images, you may wish to use the intermediary mixin wagtailmetadata.models.WagtailImageMetadataMixin
so you can use the relationship for the image related metadata:
.. code-block:: python
from django.db import models
from wagtailmetadata.models import WagtailImageMetadataMixin
class CustomObject(WagtailImageMetadataMixin, object):
share_image = models.ForeignKey('wagtailimages.Image', ondelete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name='+')
def get_meta_image(self):
return self.share_image
To use this in a template, first load the template tag library,
and then insert the metadata by placing {% meta_tags %}
into the <head>
.. code-block:: html+django
{% load wagtailmetadata_tags %}
{% meta_tags %}
By default, this will look for a self
object in the context to pull the metadata from.
You can specify a different object to use if you need to:
.. code-block:: html+django
{% load wagtailmetadata_tags %}
{% meta_tags my_custom_object %}
Add wagtailmetadata.jinja2tags.WagtailMetadataExtension
to the template extensions
in your settings.py
.. code-block:: python
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
'extensions': [
Insert the metadata by placing {{ meta_tags() }}
into the <head>
.. code-block:: html
{{ meta_tags() }}
By default, this will look for a page
object in the context to pull the metadata from.
You can specify a different object to use if you need to:
.. code-block:: html
{{ meta_tags(my_custom_object) }}
'meta_tags' missing request from context
The template that is trying to render the meta_tags
tag does not have a request
object in the context.
'meta_tags' tag is missing a model or object
There was no model passed to the template tag, or self
is not found in the current context.
If you need to add extra meta tags, to add the twitter:site tag for example,
you can extend the Wagtail Metadata template.
First, create any models that you might need to hold the extra data:
.. code-block:: python
from wagtail.contrib.settings.models import BaseSetting, register_setting
class TwitterName(BaseSetting):
handle = models.CharField(max_length=20)
You could also add extra fields to a page model and output them as meta tags:
.. code-block:: python
class MyPage(MetadataPageMixin, Page):
body = RichTextField()
author_twitter_handle = models.CharField(max_length=20)
Then, override the wagtailmetadata/parts/tags.html
and add your tags to the relevant blocks:
.. code-block:: html
{% extends "wagtailmetadata/parts/tags.html" %}
{% block twitter %}
{{ block.super }}
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{ settings.myapp.TwitterName.twitter_handle }}" />
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@{{ model.author_twitter_handle }}" />
{% endblock %}
The wagtailmetadata/parts/tags.html
template defines the following blocks
you can override or extend:
{% block tags %}
This block surrounds the whole template.
You can override this block to append extra tags before or after the standard tags.
{% block twitter %}
This block surrounds the Twitter card tags.
{% block opengraph %}
This block surrounds the Open Graph tags
{% block meta %}
This block surrounds the standard meta tags defined in HTML.
Customising the share image rendition
By default, the share image rendition is set to original
and will use the full size image.
If you wish to use a different rendition, you can set the WAGTAILMETADATA_IMAGE_FILTER
setting to change the filter used. e.g.
.. code-block:: python