Wasmer Python

A complete and mature WebAssembly runtime for Python based on
- Easy to use: The
API mimics the standard WebAssembly API, - Fast:
executes the WebAssembly modules as fast as
possible, close to native speed, - Safe: All calls to WebAssembly will be fast, but more
importantly, completely safe and sandboxed,
- Modular:
can compile the WebAssembly modules with
different engines or compiler.
Documentation: browse the detailed API
documentation full of
Examples as tutorials: browse the examples/
it's the best place for a complete introduction!
Quick Introduction
The wasmer
package brings the required API to execute WebAssembly
modules. In a nutshell, wasmer
compiles the WebAssembly module into
compiled code, and then executes it. wasmer
is designed to work in
various environments and platforms: From nano single-board computers
to large and powerful servers, including more exotic ones. To address
those requirements, Wasmer provides 2 engines and 3 compilers.
Succinctly, an engine is responsible to drive the compilation and
the execution of a WebAssembly module. By extension, a headless
engine can only execute a WebAssembly module, i.e. a module that has
previously been compiled, or compiled, serialized and deserialized. By
default, the wasmer
package comes with 2 headless engines:
, the compiled machine code lives in memory,wasmer.engine.Native
, the compiled machine code lives in a shared
object file (.so
, .dylib
, or .dll
), and is natively executed.
Because wasmer
does not embed compilers in its package, engines are
headless, i.e. they can't compile WebAssembly module; they can only
execute them. Compilers live in their own standalone packages. Let's
briefly introduce them:
Compiler package | Description | PyPi |
wasmer_compiler_singlepass | Super fast compilation times, slower execution times. Not prone to JIT-bombs. Ideal for blockchains |  |
wasmer_compiler_cranelift | Fast compilation times, fast execution times. Ideal for development |  |
wasmer_compiler_llvm | Slow compilation times, very fast execution times (close to native, sometimes faster). Ideal for Production |  |
We generally recommend wasmer_compiler_cranelift
for development
purposes and wasmer_compiler_llvm
in production.
Learn more by reading the documentation of the wasmer.engine
To install the wasmer
Python package, and let's say the
compiler, just run those commands in your shell:
$ pip install wasmer==1.0.0
$ pip install wasmer_compiler_cranelift==1.0.0
And you're ready to get fun!
We highly recommend to read the
directory, which contains a sequence of examples/tutorials. It's the
best place to learn by reading examples.
But for the most eager of you, and we know you're numerous you
mischievous, there is a quick toy program in
, written in Rust:
pub extern fn sum(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
x + y
After compilation to WebAssembly, the
binary file is generated. (Download
Then, we can excecute it in Python:
from wasmer import engine, Store, Module, Instance
from wasmer_compiler_cranelift import Compiler
store = Store(engine.JIT(Compiler))
module = Module(store, open('simple.wasm', 'rb').read())
instance = Instance(module)
result = instance.exports.sum(5, 37)
And then, finally, enjoy by running:
$ python examples/appendices/simple.py
The Python extension is written in Rust, with pyo3
First, you need to install Rust and Python. We will not make you the
affront to explain to you how to install Python (if you really need,
check pyenv
). For Rust though, we
advise to use rustup
, then:
$ rustup install stable
To set up your environment, you'll need just
, and then, install
the prelude of this project:
$ cargo install just
$ just --list
$ just prelude
It will install pyo3
and maturin
for Python and for Rust. It will
also install virtualenv
Then, simply run:
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ just build api
$ just build compiler-cranelift
$ python examples/appendices/simple.py
Supported platforms
We try to provide wheels for as many platforms and architectures as
possible. For the moment, here are the supported platforms and
Platform | Architecture | Triple | Packages |
Linux | amd64 | x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu | wasmer | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_singlepass | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_cranelift | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_llvm | ✅ |
aarch64 | aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu | wasmer | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_singlepass | ❌ 1 |
wasmer_compiler_cranelift | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_llvm | ✅ |
Darwin | amd64 | x86_64-apple-darwin | wasmer | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_singlepass | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_cranelift | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_llvm | ✅ |
Windows | amd64 | x86_64-pc-windows-msvc | wasmer | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_singlepass | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_cranelift | ✅ |
wasmer_compiler_llvm | ❌ 2 |
- 1
does not support
for the moment - 2
is not packaging properly on
Windows for the moment
Wheels are all built for the following Python versions:
- Python 3.6,
- Python 3.7,
- Python 3.8.
- Python 3.9.
Learn about the “fallback” py3-none-any
A special wasmer-$(version)-py3-none-any
wheel is built as a
fallback. The wasmer
libray will be installable, but it will raise
an ImportError
exception saying that “Wasmer is not available on
this system”.
This wheel will be installed if none matches before (learn more by
reading the PEP 425, Compatibility Tags for Built
Build all the packages and run the tests:
$ just build-all
$ just test
What is WebAssembly?
Quoting the WebAssembly site:
WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a
stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target
for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling
deployment on the web for client and server applications.
About speed:
WebAssembly aims to execute at native speed by taking advantage of
common hardware
available on a wide range of platforms.
About safety:
WebAssembly describes a memory-safe, sandboxed execution
environment […].
The entire project is under the MIT License. Please read the