.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/ARMmbed/yotta.svg
.. image:: https://circleci.com/gh/ARMmbed/yotta.svg?style=shield
yotta is a tool that we're building at mbed <https://mbed.org>
_ to make it
easier to build better software written in C, C++ or other C-family languages.
It's still early in development, so if you have questions/feedback or issues, please report them on Github <https://github.com/ARMmbed/yotta/issues>
While yotta is written in python, to use it to build software you'll need several non-python dependencies. Detailed installation instructions and links to installers can be found on the yotta docs site <http://docs.yottabuild.org>
Get Started
The best way to get started is to follow the tutorial <http://docs.yottabuild.org/tutorial/tutorial.html>
yotta is licensed under Apache-2.0