Sunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical deployment environments will require more configuration, but this distribution is well suited to development and testing.
Solr service wrapper
Use solrizer to populate solr indexes. You can run solrizer from within your app, using the provided rake tasks, or as a JMS listener
RSolr aims to provide a simple and extensible library for working with Solr
Ruby library for working with Apache Solr
Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails adds integration between Sunspot and ActiveRecord, including defining search and indexing related methods on ActiveRecord models themselves, running a Sunspot-compatible Solr instance for development and test environments, and automatically commit Solr index changes at the end of each Rails request.
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Blacklight to enable searching and browsing of your collections. Blacklight uses the Apache Solr search engine to search full text and/or metadata.
A query/response extension lib for RSolr
Vendored Apache Solr for use with Chef Server
RSolr is a Ruby gem for working with Apache Solr!
Hydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full hydra stack includes: Blacklight, Fedora, Solr, active-fedora, solrizer, and om
An easy to use, high-performance, flexible and extensible metadata transformation system, focused on library-archives-museums input, and indexing to Solr as output.
An extension to projecthydra/solrizer that provides utilities for loading objects from Fedora Repositories and creating solr documents from them.
Testing sunspot with cucumber can be a pain. This gem will automatically start/stop solr with cucumber scenarios tagged with @search
GeoBlacklight provides a world-class discovery platform for geospatial (GIS) holdings. It is an open collaborative project aiming to build off of the successes of the Blacklight Solr-powered discovery interface and the multi-institutional OpenGeoportal federated metadata sharing communities.
This gem adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache Solr to any Rails model.
A gem for indexing EAD into solr using OM. Define your own OM terminology to create the solr fields you want from your ead, then use Solr-based applications like Blacklight to search and display the results.
solrsan is a lightweight wrapper for using Apache Solr within a Ruby application including Rails and Sinatra.
This gem adds full text search capabilities and many other nifty features from Apache�s Solr to any Rails model. I'm currently rearranging the test suite to include a real unit test suite, and adding a few features I need myself.
Spin up a jetty instance (e.g., the one at and wrap test in it. This lets us run tests against a real copy of solr and fedora.
Solano CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. You can run tests by hand, or enable our hosted CI to watch your git repos automatically. Solano CI automatically and safely parallelizes your tests to save you time, and takes care of setting up fresh isolated DB instances for each test thread. Tests have access to a wide variety of databases (postgres, mongo, redis, mysql, memcache), solr, sphinx, selenium/webdriver browsers, webkit and culerity. Solano CI supports all common Ruby test frameworks, including rspec, cucumber, test::unit, and spinach. Solano CI also supports Javascript testing using jasmine, evergreen, and many other frameworks.
Acts As Solr
Ruby wrapper for Lucene Solr
Solr 5 service wrapper
Library for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine
websolr to sunspot_rails shim
This library manages the core operations for the discovery indexing such as reading PURL xml, mapping to the solr document, and writing to solr core.
Build SOLR queries, properly escaped, with a nice API
Predix CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. You can run tests by hand, or enable our hosted CI to watch your git repos automatically. Predix CI automatically and safely parallelizes your tests to save you time, and takes care of setting up fresh isolated DB instances for each test thread. Tests have access to a wide variety of databases (postgres, mongo, redis, mysql, memcache), solr, sphinx, selenium/webdriver browsers, webkit and culerity. Predix CI supports all common Ruby test frameworks, including rspec, cucumber, test::unit, and spinach. Predix CI also supports Javascript testing using jasmine, evergreen, and many other frameworks.
Provides RSpec custom matchers to be used with Solr response objects.
This gem provides asynchronous indexing to Solr for the sunspot gem. It uses a pluggable model for the backing queue and provides support for ActiveRecord, DataMapper, and MongoDB out of the box.
Allows delimited Solr facets to become hierarchical trees in Blacklight.
Provides search via Apache Solr for a Spree store.
Solr Ruby client with a nice object-oriented API
The connection adopter supporting SolrCloud for RSolr
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sunspot manages the configuration of persistent Ruby classes for search and indexing and exposes Solr's most powerful features through a collection of DSLs. Complex search operations can be performed without hand-writing any boolean queries or building Solr parameters by hand.
Object Document Mapper for the Apache Foundation's Solr search platform
A gem packaging of Solr.
Shim from websolr to acts_as_solr
Sunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. This gem extend sunspot adding the statsComponent feature, which returns simple statistics for indexed numeric fields within the DocSet.
Hydra-File-Access is a plugin Rails Engine containing the code for manipulating files in a Hydra application. The full hydra stack includes: Blacklight, Fedora, Solr, active-fedora, solrizer, and om
Query builder for the Lucene (and Solr) search engine.
Load CONTENTdm data into a Solr Index. CDMBL expects to run inside a Rails application.
Consolr is a utility which speaks to Collins on our behalf and retrieves the address, username and password to connect to that node over IPMI. Passing different flags, we can performs a variety of taks on the node over IPMI. There are safeguards in place to prevent potentially catastrophic actions being performed on nodes.
Makes Sunspot and acts_as_solr play with WebSolr
Interact with a Solr API via JSON
Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails adds integration between Sunspot and ActiveRecord, including defining search and indexing related methods on ActiveRecord models themselves, running a Sunspot-compatible Solr instance for development and test environments, and automatically commit Solr index changes at the end of each Rails request.
Ruby wrapper for accessing SolrMarc objects and Solr objects, such as using org.solrmarc.marc.SolrReIndexer to get a SolrInputDocument from a marc record stored in the Solr index