Adds GPLv3 Portions of Kendo UI ( to javascripts and styles folders
Capybara helpers for configuring Pivotal Ops Manager. No longer under active development
AXElements is a UI automation library built on top of various OS X frameworks. You can use AXElements to write functional tests for Cocoa apps, script UI interactions, or even to build higher level tools such as screen readers.
activerecord-sortable allows you easily integrate jquery ui sortable with your models
An ActiveAdmin theme based on Blaze CSS UI toolkit
Keep datadog monitors/dashboards/etc in version control, avoid chaotic management via UI
Schedule appointments with Rails 3 and the jQuery-UI
UIFaces is a great website to find user pictures to mockup your app. With this gems you can now implement more easily a pictures in your web app.
Collection of UI widgets on top of anjlab-bootstrap-rails. Datepicker and Timepicker for now.
Integrates the Semantic UI pagination component with will_paginate
User Interface Components for Merb
Rails UI plugin for the Analytics plugin.
vSphere console UI
A Sidekiq Web extension to enqueue/schedule jobs with custom perform params in Web UI. Support both Sidekiq::Worker and ActiveJob.
metro-ui-rails project integrates Metro-UI CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
Slurps stories from the given file (stories.slurper by default) and creates Pivotal Tracker stories from them. Useful during story carding sessions when you want to capture a number of stories quickly without clicking your way through the Tracker UI.
A Rails UI for Resque for managing workers, failures and schedules.
Poodle is a started kit for creating Rails Application. Poodle comes with built in UI (layout, css/JS) and some helpers which boost the creation of any prototype application
RightRails is a RubyOnRails plugin for the RightJS JavaScript framework. It has transparent Prototype helpers replacement, a new RJS generator, the most common ajax operations interface and RightJS own features support like remote files uploading handler, UI, plugins, etc.
Add CDN support to jquery-ui-rails
Resque-Sliders is a plugin for Resque that enables you to control multiple hosts' running resque workers with a monitor PID watching over them. From the resque-web UI, you can add/delete/change which queues are running on each host running the monitor PID. Sliders are in the UI and allow you to adjust how many workers on either host should be running.
This plugin integrates jQuery-Rails, jQuery, jQuery UI and Themes, jqGrid and more into the Compass Sass framework.
flat-ui for rails
Trail audit logs (Operation logs) into the database for user behaviors, including a web UI to query logs.
Scaffold and UI generator for SEO Logic applications.
Motion extends Github's `view_component` to allow you to build reactive, real-time frontend UI components in your Rails application using pure Ruby.
This gem provides Twitter's Bootstrap jQuery-UI theme
Internal CTL base UI toolkit
== Description CocoaTouch/iOS is a *verbose* framework. These extensions hope to make development in rubymotion more enjoyable by tacking "UI" methods onto the base classes (String, Fixnum, Float). With sugarcube, you can create a color from an integer or symbol, or create a UIFont or UIImage from a string. Some UI classes are opened up as well, like adding the `<<`` operator to a `UIView` instance, instead of `view.addSubview(subview)`, you can use the more idiomatic: `view << subview`.
angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline
Karafka ecosystem plug-and-play Web UI
UI testing/screenshot diffing tool
Manage your models, relations, and migrations from a simple UI.
Swagger UI wrapper
Very simple DRY admin UI.
This gem allows you to use the luca-ui backbone.js component framework easily with the assets pipeline
Adds a UI to customize the terms and limit the customizations to specific places.
A framework to build cross-platform mobile apps with high quality native UIs.
Ultimate UI core, base helpers and improves for Ruby on Rails Front-end
Asset pipeline compatible version of
Additional UI tags for the hobo_bootstrap theme
used in Boat International UI and Admin apps
A CSS framework for custom UI development.
Easily use jQuery UI's autocomplete widget with Rails applications.
UI library based on tao
A gemified version of the jquery-ui javascript library.
The embodied design system for Network for Good.
RailsDB Admin is similar in functionality to PHPMyAdmin and other database browsing and data editing tools. It uses the CompassAE database connection information to discover the schema for an installation, and generates Extjs UIs for creating queries and performing grid-based data inspection and editing.
Generates UI for rails apps with APIs. You can easily test, share and play with you'r APIs. Enjoy )
Rails UI plugin for the Email notification plugin.