Easily create value objects without the pain of Ruby's Struct (or its setters)
Efficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
Immutable data structures for Ruby
A version of Ruby's Struct class that creates classes whose instances are immutable. It works just as Struct, but there are no setters, and you can't use []=. As a bonus feature the constructor of classes inheriting from ImmutableStruct can take named parameters in the form of a hash.
Immutable extensions to objects
Simple immutable value objects for ruby. Make a new value class: Point = Value.new(:x, :y) And use it: p = Point.new(1,0) p.x => 1 p.y => 0
Efficient, immutable, thread-safe collection classes for Ruby
This gem allows you to define "immutable" objects, when using it your objects will only have getters and no setters.So, if you change an attribute of the object, you’ll have a new object instance.
Generates modules that provide conventional value semantics for a given set of attributes. The behaviour is similar to an immutable `Struct` class, plus extensible, lightweight validation and coercion.
Database enforced timestamps, immutable columns, counter/sum caches, and touch propogation
Include ActiveRecord::Immutable in your ActiveRecord models to make your tables append-only.
ClosedStructs work like OpenStruct, with the exception of being immutable and not responding to methods which haven't been listed in the input hash
An immutable, thread-safe, and strict semantic version type.
Class Iri helps you build a URI and then modify its parts via a simple immutable fluent interface. It always returns a new object instead of changing the existing one. This makes the object safer and much easier for reuse.
Provides immutable resource and money computations.
Allows specified attributes to be freely overwritten _until_ the record is saved for the first time
Immutable Struct-like record structures based on Hamster.
Tuple combines a fixed number of items together so that they can be passed around as a whole. Unlike an array or list, a tuple can hold objects with different types but they are also immutable.
Immutable ruby objects implementing dot and [] accessors.
SSD is an append-only, file-based, immutable key-value store for Microservices written in Ruby.
Validations for immutable Ruby objects
Rack application builder through a pipe of operations on an immutable struct.
An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using an efficient, immutable, and thread-safe Hash.
The Filepath class provides immutable objects with dozens of convenience methods for common operations such as calculating relative paths, concatenating paths, finding all the files in a directory or modifying all the extensions of a list of filenames at once.
Mutable and immutable concurrency variable
Value Value is a library for defining immutable value objects in Ruby. A value object is an object whose equality to other objects is determined by its value, not its identity, think dates and amounts of money. A value object should also be immutable, as you don’t want the date “2013-04-22” itself to change but the current date to change from “2013-04-22” to “2013-04-23”. That is, you don’t want entries in a calendar for 2013-04-22 to move to 2013-04-23 simply because the current date changes from 2013-04-22 to 2013-04-23. A value object consists of one or more attributes stored in instance variables. Value sets up an #initialize method for you that let’s you set these attributes, as, value objects being immutable, this’ll be your only chance to do so. Value also adds equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are themselves equivalent), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and a protected attribute reader for each attribute. You may of course add any additional methods that your value object will benefit from. That’s basically all there’s too it. Let’s now look at using the Value library. § Usage You create value object class by invoking ‹#Value› inside the class (module) you wish to make into a value object class. Let’s create a class that represent points on a plane: class Point Value :x, :y end A ‹Point› is thus a value object consisting of two sub-values ‹x› and ‹y› (the coordinates). Just from invoking ‹#Value›, a ‹Point› object will have a constructor that takes two arguments to set instance variables ‹@x› and ‹@y›, equality checks ‹#==› and ‹#eql?› (which are the same), a ‹#hash› method, a nice ‹#inspect› method, and two protected attribute readers ‹#x› and ‹#y›. We can thus already creat ‹Point›s: origo = Point.new(0, 0) The default of making the attribute readers protected is often good practice, but for a ‹Point› it probably makes sense to be able to access its coordinates: class Point public(*attributes) end This’ll make all attributes of ‹Point› public. You can of course choose to only make certain attributes public: class Point public :x end Note that this public is standard Ruby functionality. Adding a method to ‹Point› is of course also possible and very much Rubyish: class Point def distance(other) Math.sqrt((other.x - x)**2 + (other.y - y)**2) end end For some value object classes you might want to support optional attributes. This is done by providing a default value for the attribute, like so: class Money Value :amount, [:currency, :USD] end Here, the ‹currency› attribute will default to ‹:USD›. You can create ‹Money› via dollars = Money.new(2) but also kronor = Money.new(2, :SEK) All required attributes must come before any optional attributes. Splat attributes are also supported: class List Value :'*elements' end empty = List.new suits = List.new(:spades, :hearts, :diamonds, :clubs) Splat attributes are optional. Finally, block attributes are also available: class Block Value :'&block' end block = Block.new{ |e| e * 2 } Block attributes are optional. Comparison beyond ‹#==› is possible by specifingy the ‹:comparable› option to ‹#Value›, listing one or more attributes that should be included in the comparison: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => :a end Note that equality (‹#==› and ‹#eql?›) is always defined based on all attributes, regardless of arguments to ‹:comparable›. Here we say that comparisons between ‹Vector›s should be made between the values of the ‹a› attribute only. We can also make comparisons between all attributes of a value object: class Vector Value :a, :b, :comparable => true end To sum things up, let’s use all possible arguments to ‹#Value› at once: class Method Value :file, :line, [:name, 'unnamed'], :'*args', :'&block', :comparable => [:file, :line] end A ‹Method› consists of file and line information, a possible name, some arguments, possibly a block, and is comparable on the file and line on which they appear. Check out the {full API documentation}¹ for a more explicit description, should you need it or should you want to extend it. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/value/api/ § Financing Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me. But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed! ¹ Send a donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=now%40disu%2ese&item_name=Value § Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹. ¹ See https://github.com/now/value/issues § Authors Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, the manual pages, and this README. § Licensing Value is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³. ¹ See http://disu.se/licenses/lgpl-3.0/ ² See http://gnu.org/licenses/ ³ See http://fsf.org/
Library for creating immutable value objects (IVO)
A Sass library for building immutable and namespaced BEM-style CSS objects
Small and simple specialized Hash which is helpful for storing immutable, required key/value pairs to be loaded from a YAML file.
Generator of Objective-C immutable models
Prevent fields from being updated by including a mongoid module and marking the fields as immutable.
A Rails plugin that will ensure an ActiveRecord object is immutable once saved. Optionally, you can specify attributes to be mutable if the object is in a particular state (block evaluates to true).
Create namespaced, immutable objects serving configuration properties to your ruby application.
AttrImmutable add the attr_immutable class method to create immutable properties on Ruby classes. The attribute are only accessible using the accessor/mutator pair by hiding the attribute value using a closure. (ie. the immutable attribute is not stored in an instance variable and therefore can't be accessed in any other way. No developer end runs.)
A Rails validator for immutable attributes.
Like Structs, but you can't edit them once you construct them
Immutable state with helpers to build awesome things
It is built on top of standard `Struct` and `OpenStruct` classes with all their features preserved while adding a few on top for conveniences like handling nested hashes/arrays, unified constructor interface, immutability.
Re:map; an expressive and feature-rich data transformation mapper for Ruby 3. It gives the developer the expressive power of JSONPath, without the hassle of using strings. Its compiler is written on top of an immutable, primitive data structure utilizing ruby's refinements & pattern matching capabilities – making it blazingly fast
Result instances are immutable objects representing an error with a message or an absence of error with a value
Declare methods as immutable.
A tiny ruby gem that gives you a beautiful short-hand syntax for creating immutable arrays, hashes and sets
An Immutable DataClass for Ruby Exposes a class factory function `Kernel::DataClass` and a class modifer `Module#dataclass', also creates two _tuple_ classes, `Pair` and `Triple`
Creates an immutable struct in one step.
U U extends Ruby’s Unicode support. It provides a string class called U::String with an interface that mimics that of the String class in Ruby 2.0, but that can also be used from both Ruby 1.8. This interface also has more complete Unicode support and never modifies the receiver. Thus, a U::String is an immutable value object. U comes with complete and very accurate documentation¹. The documentation can realistically also be used as a reference to the Ruby String API and may actually be preferable, as it’s a lot more explicit and complete than the documentation that comes with Ruby. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/ § Installation Install u with % gem install u § Usage Usage is basically the following: require 'u-1.0' a = 'äbc' a.upcase # ⇒ 'äBC' a.u.upcase # ⇒ 'ÄBC' That is, you require the library, then you invoke #u on a String. This’ll give you a U::String that has much better Unicode support than a normal String. It’s important to note that U only uses UTF-8, which means that #u will try to #encode the String as such. This shouldn’t be an issue in most cases, as UTF-8 is now more or less the universal encoding – and rightfully so. As U::Strings¹ are immutable value objects, there’s also a U::Buffer² available for building U::Strings efficiently. See the API³ for more complete usage information. The following sections will only cover the extensions and differences that U::String exhibit from Ruby’s built-in String class. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/ ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/Buffer/ ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/ § Unicode Properties There are quite a few property-checking interrogators that let you check if all characters in a U::String have the given Unicode property: • #alnum?¹ • #alpha?² • #assigned?³ • #case_ignorable?⁴ • #cased?⁵ • #cntrl?⁶ • #defined?⁷ • #digit?⁸ • #graph?⁹ • #newline?¹⁰ • #print?¹¹ • #punct?¹² • #soft_dotted?¹³ • #space?¹⁴ • #title?¹⁵ • #valid?¹⁶ • #wide?¹⁷ • #wide_cjk?¹⁸ • #xdigit?¹⁹ • #zero_width?²⁰ ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#alnum-p-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#alpha-p-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#assigned-p-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#case_ignorable-p-instance-method ⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#cased-p-instance-method ⁶ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#cntrl-p-instance-method ⁷ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#defined-p-instance-method ⁸ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#digit-p-instance-method ⁹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#graph-p-instance-method ¹⁰ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#newline-p-instance-method ¹¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#print-p-instance-method ¹² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#punct-p-instance-method ¹³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#soft_dotted-p-instance-method ¹⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#space-p-instance-method ¹⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#title-p-instance-method ¹⁶ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#valid-p-instance-method ¹⁷ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#wide-p-instance-method ¹⁸ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#wide_cjk-p-instance-method ¹⁹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#xdigit-p-instance-method ²⁰ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#zero_width-p-instance-method Similar to these methods are • #folded?¹ • #lower?² • #upper?³ which check whether a ‹U::String› has been cased in a given manner. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#folded-p-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#lower-p-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#upper-p-instance-method There’s also a #normalized?¹ method that checks whether a ‹U::String› has been normalized on a given form. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#normalized-p-instance-method You can also access certain Unicode properties of the characters of a U::String: • #canonical_combining_class¹ • #general_category² • #grapheme_break³ • #line_break⁴ • #script⁵ • #word_break⁶ ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#canonical_combining_class-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#general_category-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#grapheme_break-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#line_break-instance-method ⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#script-instance-method ⁶ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#word_break-instance-method § Locale-specific Comparisons Comparisons of U::Strings respect the current locale (and also allow you to specify a locale to use): ‹#<=>›¹, #casecmp², and #collation_key³. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#comparison-operator ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#casecmp-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#collation_key-instance-method § Additional Enumerators There are a couple of additional enumerators in #each_grapheme_cluster¹ and #each_word² (along with aliases #grapheme_clusters³ and #words⁴). ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#each_grapheme_cluster-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#each_word-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#grapheme_clusters-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#words-instance-method § Unicode-aware Sub-sequence Removal #Chomp¹, #chop², #lstrip³, #rstrip⁴, and #strip⁵ all look for Unicode newline and space characters, rather than only ASCII ones. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#chomp-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#chop-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#lstrip-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#rstrip-instance-method ⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#strip-instance-method § Unicode-aware Conversions Case-shifting methods #downcase¹ and #upcase² do proper Unicode casing and the interface is further augmented by #foldcase³ and #titlecase⁴. #Mirror⁵ and #normalize⁶ do conversions similar in nature to the case-shifting methods. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#downcase-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#upcase-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#foldcase-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#titlecase-instance-method ⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#mirror-instance-method ⁶ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#normalize-instance-method § Width Calculations #Width¹ will return the number of cells on a terminal that a U::String will occupy. #Center², #ljust³, and #rjust⁴ deal in width rather than length, making them much more useful for generating terminal output. #%⁵ (and its alias #format⁶) similarly deal in width. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#width-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#center-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#ljust-instance-method ⁴ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#rjust-instance-method ⁵ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#modulo-operator ⁶ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#format-instance-method § Extended Type Conversions Finally, #hex¹, #oct², and #to_i³ use Unicode alpha-numerics for their respective conversions. ¹ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#hex-instance-method ² See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#oct-instance-method ³ See http://disu.se/software/u-1.0/api/U/String/#to_i-instance-method § News § 1.0.0 Initial public release! § Financing Currently, most of my time is spent at my day job and in my rather busy private life. Please motivate me to spend time on this piece of software by donating some of your money to this project. Yeah, I realize that requesting money to develop software is a bit, well, capitalistic of me. But please realize that I live in a capitalistic society and I need money to have other people give me the things that I need to continue living under the rules of said society. So, if you feel that this piece of software has helped you out enough to warrant a reward, please PayPal a donation to now@disu.se¹. Thanks! Your support won’t go unnoticed! ¹ Send a donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=now@disu.se&item_name=U § Reporting Bugs Please report any bugs that you encounter to the {issue tracker}¹. ¹ See https://github.com/now/u/issues § Authors Nikolai Weibull wrote the code, the tests, the documentation, and this README. § Licensing U is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the {GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3}¹ or later², as published by the {Free Software Foundation}³. ¹ See http://disu.se/licenses/lgpl-3.0/ ² See http://gnu.org/licenses/ ³ See http://fsf.org/
Make instances immutable (deeply frozen) and versioned
Social folder sharing/backup tool which using BitTorrent.
Ruby on Rails gem for Facebook's Immutable.js library
Yet Another Configuration Management Tool in the Era of Immutable Infrastructure
Accounting sucks. Well if you are trying to do it right it does. Bean machine gives you the power of an immutable double entry accounting system through the use of a simple transfer method. The idea is to make accounting easy by breaking it into easy to follow steps. Transfer this much from this account to that account.