- ⚙️ Ruby >= 2.7, plus JRuby and Truffleruby, but only non-EOL Rubies are officially supported
- ⚙️ Rails >= 7.0 (actually, it only requires
| Project | bundle add active_security |
1️⃣ | name, license, docs, standards |  |
2️⃣ | version & activity |  |
3️⃣ | maintenance & linting |  |
4️⃣ | testing |  |
5️⃣ | coverage & security |  |
6️⃣ | resources |  |
7️⃣ | ... 💖 | 💻 🌏 |
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
$ bundle add active_security
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install active_security
All documentation is in the source so check there if the following is not enough.
Setting Up ActiveSecurity in Your Model
To use ActiveSecurity in your ActiveRecord models, you must first either extend or
include the ActiveSecurity module (it makes no difference), then invoke the
{ActiveSecurity::Base#active_security active_security} method to configure your desired
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveSecurity
active_security :use => {finders: {default_finders: :restricted}, scoped: {scope: :bar_id}}
The most important option is :use
, which you use to tell ActiveSecurity which
addons it should use. See the documentation for {ActiveSecurity::Base#active_security} for a list of all
available addons, or skim through the rest of the docs to get a high-level
A note about single table inheritance (STI): you must extend ActiveSecurity in
all classes that participate in STI, both your parent classes and their
The Basic Setup: Simple Models
By default the :restricted
plugin is the only one configured, and the restricted
scope must be explicitly added to every query.
This is the simplest way to use ActiveSecurity. But it is messy, and laborious.
It will ensure that finds are executed within a where
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
User.where(name: "Bart").restricted.find(1)
The Strict Setup: Magic Finders
The problem with the above approach is that a naked find (User.find(1)
still works, and is just as insecure as before. The :finders
plugin fixes
this problem, so you don't need to add restricted
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
active_security use: {finders: {default_finders: :restricted}}
User.where(name: "Bart").find(1)
User.where(name: "Bart").restricted.find(1)
Configuration: ActiveSecurity's behavior in a model
Here's a basic config.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
active_security use: :finders
Now let's get crazy secure!
When given the optional block, this method will yield the class's instance
of {ActiveSecurity::Configuration} to the block before evaluating other
arguments, so configuration values set in the block may be overwritten by
the arguments. This order was chosen to allow passing the same proc to
multiple models, while being able to override the values it sets. Here is
a contrived example:
$active_security_config_proc = do |config|
config.use :finders
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
active_security &$active_security_config_proc
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
active_security &$active_security_config_proc
However, it's usually better to use {ActiveSecurity.defaults} for this:
ActiveSecurity.defaults do |config|
config.use :finders, default_finders: :restricted
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
class Bar < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSecurity
In general you should use the block syntax either because of your personal
aesthetic preference, or because you need to share some functionality
between multiple models that can't be well encapsulated by
Order Method Calls in a Block vs Ordering Options
When calling this method without a block, you may set the hash options in
any order, so long as they either have no dependencies, or are coupled with
their respective module.
Here's an example that configures every plugin:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
active_security use: {
finders: {default_finders: :restricted},
scoped: {scope: :name},
privileged: {}
Person.where(name: "Bart").find(1)
Person.where(age: 29).find(1)
Person.where(age: 29).privileged.find(1)
Person.where(name: "Bart").restricted.find(1)
However, when using block-style invocation, be sure to call
ActiveSecurity::Configuration's {ActiveSecurity::Configuration#use use} method
prior to the associated configuration options, because it will include
modules into your class, and these modules in turn may add required
configuration options to the @active_security_configuration
's class:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
active_security do |config|
config.use :scoped
config.scope = "family_id"
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
active_security do |config|
config.scope = "family_id"
config.use :scoped
Including Your Own Modules
Because :use can accept a name or a Module, {ActiveSecurity.defaults defaults}
can be a convenient place to set up behavior common to all classes using
ActiveSecurity. You can include any module, or more conveniently, define one
on-the-fly. For example, let's say you want to globally override the error
that is raised when no scope is used:
ActiveSecurity.defaults do |config|
config.use :finders
config.use {
def self.setup(model_class)
model_class.instance_eval do
relation.class.send(:prepend, RaiseOverride)
model_class.singleton_class.send(:prepend, RaiseOverride)
association_relation_delegate_class = model_class.relation_delegate_class(::ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation)
association_relation_delegate_class.send(:prepend, RaiseOverride)
module RaiseOverride
def raise_if_not_scoped
puts "My errors are better than yours"
raise StandardError, "Calm Down"
Running Specs
The basic compatibility matrix:
appraisal install
appraisal rake test
Sometimes also:
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=gemfiles/vanilla.gemfile appraisal update
NOTE: This results in bad paths to the gemspec.
gemspec path: "../../"
needs to be replaced with gemspec path: "../"
in each Appraisal gemfile.
Code Coverage

🪇 Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in this project's codebases, issue trackers,
chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
📌 Versioning
This Library adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
Violations of this scheme should be reported as bugs.
Specifically, if a minor or patch version is released that breaks backward compatibility,
a new version should be immediately released that restores compatibility.
Breaking changes to the public API will only be introduced with new major versions.
To get a better understanding of how SemVer is intended to work over a project's lifetime,
read this article from the creator of SemVer:
As a result of this policy, you can (and should) specify a dependency on these libraries using
the Pessimistic Version Constraint with two digits of precision.
For example:
spec.add_dependency("active_security", "~> 1.0")
📄 License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of
the MIT License
See LICENSE.txt for the official Copyright Notice.
© Copyright