SleepingOwl Apist
SleepingOwl Apist is a small library which allows you to access any site in api-like style, based on html parsing.
This package allows you to write method like this:
require 'apist'
class WikiApi < Apist
base_url ''
def index
get '/wiki/Main_Page',
welcome_message: filter('#mp-topbanner div:first').text[0...-1],
portals: filter('a[title^="Portal:"]').each(
link: current.attr('href').call(lambda { |href| self.class.base_url + href }),
label: current.text
languages: filter('#p-lang li a[title]').each(
label: current.text,
lang: current.attr('title'),
link: current.attr('href').call(lambda { |href| 'http:' + href })
sister_projects: filter('#mp-sister b a').each.text,
featured_article: filter('#mp-tfa').html
use it:
api =
data = api.index
and get the following result (json format used only for visualization, actual result type is Hash
"welcome_message": "Welcome to Wikipedia",
"portals": [
"link": "http:\/\/\/wiki\/Portal:Arts",
"label": "Arts"
"link": "http:\/\/\/wiki\/Portal:Biography",
"label": "Biography"
"languages": [
"label": "Simple English",
"lang": "Simple English",
"link": "http:\/\/\/wiki\/"
"label": "العربية",
"lang": "Arabic",
"link": "http:\/\/\/wiki\/"
"label": "Bahasa Indonesia",
"lang": "Indonesian",
"link": "http:\/\/\/wiki\/"
"sister_projects": [
"featured_article": "<div style=\"float: left; margin: 0.5em 0.9em 0.4em 0em;\">...<\/div>"
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'apist'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install apist
Documentation can be found at sleeping owl apist.
View examples.
Support Library
You can donate in BTC: 13k36pym383rEmsBSLyWfT3TxCQMN2Lekd
Copyright and License
Apist was written by Sleeping Owl and is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.