= Tuersteher
Security-Layer for Rails-Application acts like a firewall.
It's check your URL's or Modells to have the rights for this.
== Install
gem install bledig-tuersteher --source http://gems.github.org
== Usage
Create in your Rails-Application the rules-file "config/access_rules.rb"
(or copy the sample from samples-directory and modify)
Here is as small sample for "config/access_rules.rb"
grant_path '/', :get, :all
grant_path '/admin-area/', :all, :ADMIN
grant_model Product, :view, :all
grant_model Product, :update, :EDITOR do |product, current_user|
product.owner_id == current_user.id
Then extend your ApplicationController with:
include Tuersteher::ControllerExtensions
before_filter :check_access # methode is from Tuersteher::ControllerExtensions
Check if your authendicate-system has implemented the methods:
- current_user
- access_denied
If not, just implemen it (see samples/application_controller.rb)
== License
LGPL V3 (see license.txt)