
An experimental templating library designed specifically for generating source code (especially for languages that aren’t as meta-programmable as Ruby).
Cecil templates closely resemble the target source code, making templates easier to write, read, and maintain.
Write templates in plain Ruby
Call Cecil::Code.generate_string
and pass it a block. Inside the block, add lines of code via backticks (or use src
if you prefer). Cecil returns your generated source code as a string.
model_code = Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`import Model from '../model'`
`class User extends Model {
id: number
name: string
companyId: number | undefined
src "export type Username = User['name']"
puts model_code
import Model from '../model'
class User extends Model {
id: number
name: string
companyId: number | undefined
export type Username = User['name']
Interpolate values with Cecil's low-noise syntax
Use #[]
on the backticks to replace placeholders with actual values.
By default, placeholders start with $
and are followed by an identifier.
Positional arguments match up with placeholders in order. Named arguments match placeholders by name.
field = "user"
types = ["string", "string[]"]
default_value = ["SilentHaiku", "DriftingSnowfall"]
field_class = "Model"
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`let $field: $FieldType = $default`[field, types.join('|'), default_value.sort.to_json]
`let $field: $FieldClass<$Types> = new $FieldClass($default)`[
field: field,
FieldClass: field_class,
Types: types.join('|'),
default: default_value.sort.to_json
let user: string|string[] = ["DriftingSnowfall","SilentHaiku"]
let user: Model<string|string[]> = new Model(["DriftingSnowfall","SilentHaiku"])
"Doesn't Ruby already have string interpolation?"
Yes, but compare the readability of these two approaches:
`let $field: $FieldClass<$Types> = new $FieldClass($default)`[
field: field,
FieldClass: field_class,
Types: types.join('|'),
default: default_value.sort.to_json
field_types = types.join('|'),
default_json = default_value.sort.to_json
"let #{field}: #{field_class}<#{field_types}> = new #{field_class}(#{default_json})"
Indents code blocks & closes brackets automatically
Pass a block to #[]
gets indented and open brackets get closed automatically.
model = "User"
field_name = "name"
field_default = "Unnamed"
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`class $Class extends Model {`[model] do
`id: number`
`override get $field() {`[field_name] do
`return super.$field ?? $defaultValue`[field_name, field_default.to_json]
class User extends Model {
id: number
override get name() {
return super.name ?? "Unnamed"
Emit source code to other locations
When generating source code, things like functions, parameters, classes, etc, often need to be declared, imported, or otherwise setup before being used.
can be used to add content to a different location of your file.
Call content_for(some_key) { ... }
with key and a block to store content under the key you provide. Call content_for(some_key)
with the key and no block to insert your stored content at that location.
models = [
{ name: 'User', inherits: 'AuthModel' },
{ name: 'Company', inherits: 'Model' },
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
content_for :imports
models.each do |model|
`class $Class extends $SuperClass {`[model[:name], model[:inherits]] do
`id: number`
content_for :imports do
`import $SuperClass from '../models/$SuperClass'`[SuperClass: model[:inherits]]
content_for :registrations do
`$SuperClass.registerAncestor($Class)`[model[:inherits], model[:name]]
content_for :registrations
import AuthModel from '../models/AuthModel'
import Model from '../models/Model'
class User extends AuthModel {
id: number
class Company extends Model {
id: number
Collect data as you go then use it earlier in the document
The #defer
method takes a block and waits to call it until the rest of the template is evaluated. The block's result is inserted at the location where #defer
was called.
This gives a similar ability to #content_for
, but is more flexible because you can collect any kind of data, not just source code.
models = [
{ name: 'User', inherits: 'AuthModel' },
{ name: 'Company', inherits: 'Model' },
{ name: 'Candidate', inherits: 'AuthModel' },
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
superclasses = []
defer do
`import { $SuperClasses } from '../models'`[superclasses.uniq.sort.join(', ')]
models.each do |model|
superclasses << model[:inherits]
`class $Class extends $SuperClass {}`[model[:name], model[:inherits]]
import { AuthModel, Model } from '../models'
class User extends AuthModel {}
class Company extends Model {}
class Candidate extends AuthModel {}
Customizable syntax and behaviors
Easily customize the following features to make Cecil suit your needs/preferences:
- placeholder syntax
- auto-closing brackets
- indentation
Customizations are performed by subclassing Cecil::Code
and overriding the relevant methods.
For example, Cecil comes with Cecil::Lang::TypeScript
that you can use instead of of Cecil::Code
. It has a few JavaScript/TypeScript-specific customizations. It's a subclass of Cecil::Code
so it can be used the same way:
Cecil::Lang::TypeScript.generate_string do
Use cases
Things I've personally used Cecil to generate:
- serialization/deserialization code generated from from specs (e.g. OpenAPI)
- diagrams (e.g. Mermaid, PlantUML, Dot/Graphviz)
- ERDs/schemas
- state machine diagrams
- graphs
- data visualizations
- state machines generated from a list of states and transitions
- test cases generated from data that describes inputs/setup and expected outputs; because parameterized tests can be very hard to debug
- complex types because meta-programming in TypeScript can get complex quickly
Quick Reference
Reference documentation is on RubyDoc.info:
Calling Cecil
with a block and inside the block, use backticks or #src
to emit lines of source code.
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`function greet() {}`
`function respond() {}`
Cecil::Code.generate do
`function greet() {}`
`function respond() {}`
See: Methods available inside a Cecil block
Emitting source code
emit source code.
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`function greet() {}`
`function respond() {}`
src "function ask() {}"
interpolates data into placeholders. E.g.
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`function $fn() {}`["greet"]
`function $fn() {}`[fn: "respond"]
{ ... }
given a block, interpolates and indents the code emitted in its block.
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`function $fn() {`["greet"] do
adds code the last line of the block.
Cecil::Code.generate_string do
`(function ${fn}Now() {`["greet"] do
end << ')()'
emits source code to different locations
waits to emit the given source until after data has been gathered
Customizing behavior for the language of the source code you're generating
Many of Cecil's defaults can be customized by creating a subclass of Cecil::Code
and overriding methods to customize syntax and behavior of:
- placeholder syntax
- indentation
- auto-closing brackets
Currently, Cecil comes with:
Auto-closing brackets
Customize which opening brackets are auto-closed by overriding Cecil::Code#block_ending_pairs
in a subclass.
When nesting code blocks with #[] { ... }
, open brackets at the end of the string get closed automatically.
For example, notice how we don't have to manually provide a closing }
in the following:
`$var = {`[var: "user"] do
`id: 42`
user = {
id: 42
Multiple brackets
Every consecutive closing bracket at the end of the string gets closed. E.g.
`$var = [{(`[var: "user"] do
`id: 42`
user = ([{
id: 42
Currently, the algorithm is simplistic, so open brackets that aren't at the end of the string will not get closed.
In this example, the (
in test(
needs to be closed manually:
`test("getter $fn", () => {`[fn: 'getUsername'] do
end << `)`
test("getter getUsername", () => {
Placeholder syntax
Default placeholder rules:
- start with
-- e.g. $foo
- named can contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters-- e.g.
- names can optionally be surrounded by brackets -- e.g
, $[my_placeholder]
, $<my_placeholder>
, or $(my_placeholder)
Surrounding with brackets can be useful to separate a placeholder from subsequent characters that would otherwise get parsed as a placeholder.
E.g. function ${fn}Sync()
-- without curly brackets $fnSync
would be the placeholder.
Customize placeholder syntax by subclassing Cecil::Code
and overriding placeholder-related methods.
Helper methods
If you use your generator frequently it can be helpful to define reusable helper methods on a subclass of Cecil::Code
For example, the Cecil::Lang::TypeScript
subclass defines several helper methods for generating TypeScript code.
From your shell:
bundle add cecil
In your Gemfile like:
gem 'cecil'
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nicholaides/cecil.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.