= ChardownField
Extend your Rails forms with character countdown fields easy with just setting validations to your models.
== Installation
Installing this form extension is easy!
Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'chardown_field'
To your application.js:
//= require chardown_field
To any of your models with maximum characters validation setup:
Include ChardownField
And extend your forms by adding following attribute to your form_for/form_tag:
builder: ChardownFormExtension
Or set it up as default for all the form by adding following line to application_helper.rb:
ActionView::Base.default_form_builder = ChardownFormExtension
After above simple setup your form fields will show 'Characters left:' countdown right under them. Remember that it automatically detects your validations in your model on the fields you chose to validate.
You can style it to your needs by applying css to following classes:
.chardown-container # is a countdown wrapper and contains two elements:
span # where 'Characters left:' text is displayed
span.chardown # where you find number of left characters