Ruby gem for a simple CPS (Complete Payment Systems) service API - creates request XML from a parameters hash, processes the response.
Only direct-3D payments supported for now.
Workflow Overview:
- Install gem, congifure defaults
- Build an appropriate parameter hash using user-entered card values
- Instantiate CPS::Request object passing the hash as the single argument
- Pass the request instance to the form view (see /example_request_form.html.erb)
- Capture the CPS server response in a controller action that listens on config.default_callback_url
- Based on the response (@response.ok?) change order status
- Based on order status, process user return experience at config.default_redirect_url
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'complete_payment_systems'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install complete_payment_systems
The complete module name is CompletePaymentSystems, but the aliased shorthand CPS is recommended.
Configure Defaults
in /config/initializers/cps.rb
CPS.configure do |config|
config.default_user = "pasta_test_3d"
config.default_callback_url = ""
config.default_redirect_url = ""
config.default_product_name = "Product"
config.default_product_url = ""
config.default_country = "US"
config.placeholder_value = ""
config.cps_url = ""
config.cps_method = "sendForAuth"
config.cert_pass = 'pasS%123'
config.rsa_cert_path = "#{CPS.root}/lib/complete_payment_systems/certs/Pasta_test_3d.pem"
Build a payment request
Instantiate a CPS::Request object, pass it a hash with parameters:
hash = {
order: (,
value: 100 ,
currency: "EUR",
holder_name: "John",
holder_surname: "Doe",
card_number: "4314229999999913",
card_exp: "01/18",
card_cvv: "123",
holder_ip: "",
holder_street: "NOT USED",
holder_zip: "NOT USED",
holder_city: "NOT USED",
holder_country: "US",
holder_email: "",
user: "Some User"
callback_url: "",
redirect_url: "",
product_name: "Product",
product_url: ""
Process response
Instantiate a CPS::Response object with an xml parameter (get the xml from server response .body)
@response =
API exposes reader methods #xml, #response_hash, #code, #message
as well as convenience methods #ok? and #signature_ok?
r =
=> {"referenceId"=>"9095359",
"HlcnASe5fZyM7uVz4xwqp ... XGx5SVqSA=="}
=> "000"
=> "Captured"
=> true
=> true
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/complete_payment_systems/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
Dev Notes
calbackUrl atbilde atnāks pirmā, jo te mēs sūtam atbildi pa tiešo no mūsu servera uz jūso noradītu URL
Direct-3D request example
hash = {
order: (, # Pass the unique purchase ID here
value: 166, # Pass the purchase value in cents here (1$ purcase value = 100)
currency: (params["currency"]), # Pass the purchase currency 3-letter code here ($ = "USD")
holder_name: "John", # Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_surname: "Doe", # Ask buyer for this in a form
card_number: "4314229999999913", # Ask buyer for this in a form
card_exp: "01/18", # Ask buyer for this in a form
card_cvv: "123", # Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_ip: "", # Get this from request.remote_ip
holder_street: "NOT USED", # (Optional) Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_zip: "NOT USED", # (Optional) Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_city: "NOT USED", # (Optional) Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_country: "US", # (Optional) Ask buyer for this in a form
holder_email: "", # (Optional) Ask buyer for this in a form
user: "Some User" # Best defined in config and not passed
callback_url: "", # Best defined in config and not passed
redirect_url: "", # Best defined in config and not passed
product_name: "Product", # Best defined in config and not passed
product_url: "" # Best defined in config and not passed
@request =