Two factor authentication for Devise
This is a fork of the orignal two_factor_authentication plugin for devise from Houdini/two_factor_authentication
It is currently under recombobulation, so a some of the below documentation is incorrect.
I will attept to have the readme redone on some level by 11/21/2022 - JP
- Currently Supports sending of OTP codes directly to the user
- Ability to turn on second factor autnenication on a per user basis
- Configurable OTP code digit length
- Configurable max login attempts
- Configurable period where users won't be asked for 2FA again
Initial Setup
Devise must be installed and set up.
In a Rails environment, require the gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'devise_xfactor_authentication'
Once that's done, run:
bundle install
Automatic initial setup
To set up the model and database migration file automatically, run the
following command:
rails g two_factor_authentication MODEL
Where MODEL is your model name (e.g. User or Admin). This generator will add
to your model's Devise options and create a
migration in db/migrate/
, which will add the following columns to your table:
run: rake db:migrate
Add the following line to your model to fully enable two-factor auth:
has_one_time_password(encrypted: true)
Set config values in config/initializers/devise.rb
config.max_login_attempts = 3
config.allowed_otp_drift_seconds = 30
config.otp_length = 6
config.direct_otp_valid_for = 5.minutes
config.direct_otp_length = 6
config.remember_otp_session_for_seconds = 30.days
config.otp_secret_encryption_key = ENV['OTP_SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY']
config.second_factor_resource_id = 'id'
config.delete_cookie_on_logout = false
You an also set some of them in your controller as follows an example for a User model: