Microsoft Teams fastlane
plugin via Workflow

⚠️ Note: This plugin utilizes the latest Workflows app (rather than the now-retired Office connectors used in other plugins)
Getting Started
This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-teams_card
, add it to your project by running:
fastlane add_plugin teams_card
About teams_card
With this plugin you will be able to send messages to a Microsoft Teams channel, group chat or chat. This plugin utilizes the latest Workflows app (rather than the now-retired Office connectors used in other plugins).
allows you to send a fully custom message to a specific incoming webhook. You can use a predefined card with optional elements like a title, an image, or a button to open a URL. It's also possible to fully customize the card using JSON. It utilizes Adaptive Cards.
To get started, first, set up an incoming webhook workflow from a template in Microsoft Teams.
workflow_url: '',
text: 'A new release is ready for testing!',
image: '',
image_title: 'Fastlane',
workflow_url: '',
title: 'Notification Title',
text: 'A new release is ready for testing!',
image: '',
image_title: 'Fastlane',
open_url: '',
facts: [
'title' => 'Environment',
'value' => 'Staging'
'title' => 'Release',
'value' => '1.0.3'
This code produces the following message:
Custom Adaptive cards
You can fully customize your cards by providing a custom JSON for AdaptiveCard. Look at the templates and information on how to customize cards. Note that MS Teams cannot display the latest versions of the schema!
workflow_url: "",
custom_card: {
"type" => "AdaptiveCard",
"body" => [
"type" => "TextBlock",
"text" => "Custom message content!",
"wrap" => true
"$schema" => "",
"version" => "1.2"
This code produces the following message:
Once installed, information and help for an action can be printed out with this command:
fastlane action teams_card
Key | Description | Env Var(s) | Default |
title | Optional title | TEAMS_MESSAGE_TITLE | |
image | Optional image on your activity (project logo, company logo, etc.) | TEAMS_MESSAGE_IMAGE | |
image_title | Optional title next to your image | TEAMS_MESSAGE_IMAGE_TITLE | |
text | The message you want to display | TEAMS_MESSAGE_TEXT | |
facts | Optional facts (assigned to, due date, status, branch, environment, etc.) | TEAMS_MESSAGE_FACTS | [] |
open_url | Optional URL for a button at the bottom of the card | TEAMS_MESSAGE_OPEN_URL | |
custom_card | Optional JSON to fully customize your card. | TEAMS_MESSAGE_CUSTOM_CARD | |
workflow_url | The URL of the incoming Webhook you created in Workflows app | TEAMS_MESSAGE_WORKFLOW_URL | |
Check out the example Fastfile
to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins
and bundle exec fastlane test
Run tests for this plugin
To run both the tests, and code style validation, run
To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use
rubocop -a
Issues and Feedback
For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.
If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.
Using fastlane Plugins
For more information about how the fastlane
plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.
About fastlane
fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out