Feature Pack Gem
Organizes and sets up the architecture of micro-applications within a Ruby On Rails application, enabling the segregation of code, management, and isolation of functionalities, which can be developed, tested, and maintained independently of each other.
Code and Folder Structure
A group is a collection of related features. Groups are represented as directories in the app/feature_packs
folder. Each group contains a _group_space
directory that holds group-level views and JavaScript files. Group directories follow this naming pattern:
Naming Convention
Sample: group_departments-100100_human_resources
prefix is followed by the group identification (required)
between group_
and class name, exists only for organization purposes. The bounds are group_
and next underscore _
class name of the group (required)
Note worthy
Group name is the same as the class name. Its used internally in the backend code.
The 'Name' within the manifest file (Group.manifest[:name]) is the name to be shown in the user interface.
The _group_space
directory contains:
- Views of the group
Common Files in _group_space/views
The _group_space/views
directory typically contains these common files:
├── index.html.slim # Default view for the group
└── partials/
└── _header.html.slim # Base header template for the group
└── _footer.html.slim # Base footer template for the group
Can have more views and partials, depending on the defined on controller.rb
but these are the most common ones.
- Group-level JavaScript modules shared across featurescontroller.rb
- Base controller class for the group's featuresroutes.rb
- The routes files come with the default index
How implement a new Group
rails generate feature_pack:add_gruop <group_name>
A feature is a single feature that can be added to a group. Feature naming patter is the same of group, but without the group_
Feature Routes
Every feature has a default route, which is the index
action/view. If the feature has more than the default index
action/view, the routes are defined in the routes.rb
How implement a new feature
rails generate feature_pack:add_feature <group_name>/<feature_name>
def feature_pack_group_path(group_name, *params) = send("feature_pack_#{group_name}_path".to_sym, *params)
def feature_pack_path(group_name, feature_name, *params) = send("feature_pack_#{group_name}_#{feature_name}_path".to_sym, *params)
Using the feature_pack_group_path
and feature_pack_path
The feature_pack_group_path
and feature_pack_path
helpers are used to generate URLs for specific groups and features within the feature package system.
feature_pack_group_path(group, *params)
: Generates the path for a specific group. The group
parameter should be an object representing the desired group. Additional parameters can be passed to specify more details in the URL.
Usage example:
group_url = feature_pack_group_path(:group_name)
feature_pack_path(group, feature, *params)
: Generates the path for a specific feature within a group. The group
and feature
parameters should be symbols of group and feature name, respectively. Additional parameters can be passed to specify more details in the URL.
Usage example:
feature_url = feature_pack_path(:my_group, :my_feature)
These helpers are useful for maintaining consistency and clarity when generating URLs within the application, ensuring that routes are correctly constructed based on the provided group and feature names.
Current group and feature are available in the controller (so as in the views too) as @group
and @feature
@feature variable is not available in the group controller.
@group variable is available in the group controller and in the its features controllers.