GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_delete | DELETE /app/{name} | Delete Application |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_get | GET /app | Get List of Applications |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_get_by_name | GET /app/{name} | Get Application by Name |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_get_usage | GET /app/{name}/usage | Get Application Usage By Period |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_post | POST /app | Create new Application |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppApi | app_put | PUT /app/{name} | Update Application Name |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics | GET /statistics | Get service statistics in HTML form. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_api | GET /statistics/calls | Get API calls statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_by_hours | GET /statistics/hours | Get statistics for specific dates by hours. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_by_hours_for_last30_days | GET /statistics/hours/last30Days | Get statistics for last 30 days by hours. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_current_users | GET /statistics/currentUsers | Get clients with overdraft statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_errors | GET /statistics/errors | Get last errors statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_free | GET /statistics/free | Get free users statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_like_gd | GET /statistics/likeGD | Get service statistics in HTML form like GroupDocs. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_overdraft | GET /statistics/overdrafts | Get clients with overdraft statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_paid | GET /statistics/paid | Get paid clients statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AppStatisticsApi | app_statistics_get_statistics_plans | GET /statistics/plans | Get users with plans statistics. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AuthApi | auth_delete_token | DELETE /auth/token/{token} | Delete access token |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AuthApi | auth_get_tokens | GET /auth/token | Get access tokens |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::AuthApi | auth_post_token | POST /auth/token | Create access token |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FileApi | file_delete_file | DELETE /storage/file | Remove a specific file. Parameters: path - file path e.g. /file.ext, versionID - file's version, storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FileApi | file_get_download | GET /storage/file | Download a specific file. Parameters: path - file path e.g. /file.ext, versionID - file's version, storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FileApi | file_post_move_file | POST /storage/file | Move a specific file. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FileApi | file_put_create | PUT /storage/file | Upload a specific file. Parameters: path - source file path e.g. /file.ext, versionID - source file's version, storage - user's source storage name, newdest - destination file path, destStorage - user's destination storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FolderApi | folder_delete_folder | DELETE /storage/folder | Remove a specific folder. Parameters: path - folder path e.g. /Folder1, storage - user's storage name, recursive - is subfolders and files must be deleted for specified path. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FolderApi | folder_get_list_files | GET /storage/folder | Get the file listing of a specific folder. Parametres: path - start with name of storage e.g. root folder '/'or some folder '/folder1/..', storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FolderApi | folder_post_move_folder | POST /storage/folder | Move a specific folder. Parameters: src - source folder path e.g. /Folder1, storage - user's source storage name, dest - destination folder path e.g. /Folder2, destStorage - user's destination storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::FolderApi | folder_put_create_folder | PUT /storage/folder | Create the folder. Parameters: path - source folder path e.g. /Folder1, storage - user's source storage name, newdest - destination folder path e.g. /Folder2, destStorage - user's destination storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::HerokuApi | heroku_delete_resources | DELETE /heroku/resources/{id} | Unsubscribe Heroku User (set payment plan to Free) |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::HerokuApi | heroku_get_resources | GET /heroku/resources/{id} | Provision. Get Heroku User |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::HerokuApi | heroku_post_resources | POST /heroku/resources | Provision. Create Heroku User |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::HerokuApi | heroku_put_resources | PUT /heroku/resources/{id} | Update Heroku User Payment Plan |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::StorageApi | storage_get_disc_usage | GET /storage/disc | Check the disk usage of the current account. Parameters: storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::StorageApi | storage_get_is_exist | GET /storage/exist | Check if a specific file or folder exists.Parameters: path - file or folder path e.g. /file.ext or /Folder1, versionID - file's version, storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::StorageApi | storage_get_is_storage_exist | GET /storage/{name}/exist | Check if storage exists. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::StorageApi | storage_get_list_file_versions | GET /storage/version | Get the file's versions list. Parameters: path - file path e.g. /file.ext or /Folder1/file.ext, storage - user's storage name. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::UsageApi | usage_get_user_usage | GET /usage | Get usage logs for some period. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::UsageApi | usage_get_user_usage_current_month | GET /usage/currentPeriod | Get usage for current subscription period. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::UsageApi | usage_get_user_usage_current_period_summary | GET /usage/summary | Get summary usage for current subscription period. |
GroupDocsPlatformCloud::UsageApi | usage_get_user_usage_previous_month | GET /usage/previousPeriod | Get usage logs for previous subscription period. |