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Among Ruby Facets most common additions were an assortment
of Hash-like classes. To better support this collection
of libraries it was deemed prudent to create a new project
specifically for them. Hence the Facets Hashery.
Included in this collection are the widely used OrderedHash,
the related but more featured Dictionary class, a number
of open classes similar to the standard OpenStruct,
some variations of the standard Hash class and a few
other yummy morsels.
For instruction on usage, please see the individual library files
included in this collection and read the demo documents which give
examples of almost all features.
Core Extensions
Hashery adds four core extensions of Ruby's Hash class: #retrieve
, #rekey!
and Hash.create
. The first is simply an alias
for #[]
. The later two have proven too useful over the years to
omit. And the last is a convenience class method for populating
a new hash with another hash upon initialization. All of these are
sorely missing for Ruby itself, which is why they are provided here.
To install with RubyGems simply open a console and type:
$ sudo gem install hashery
Or add it as a dependency to your project's Gemfile:
gem "hashery"
Tarball packages are available for manual site installations
via Ruby Setup.
Developers who have contributed code to the project include:
- Kirk Haines
- Joshua Hull
- Robert Klemme
- Jan Molic
- George Moschovitis
- Jeena Paradies
- Erik Veenstra
Don't be a lump on a log. See an issue? Have a suggestion? Want to help?
Well git in there!
The project is hosted on Github so the easiest means of communication
is via the Issues page.
For more direct communication you can try the #rubyworks IRC channel
on irc.freenode.net.

Hashery uses QED and
Lemon test frameworks.
The QED framework to create well tested high-level documentation.
Run the QED specs via:
$ qed -Ilib demo/
Lemon is used to create low-level unit tests. Run these via the Rubytest:
$ rubytest -Ilib -Itest test/
Hashery's repository is hosted on GitHub.
If you'd like to offer up a fix or feature, fork the repo and submit a pull
request (preferably in a topic branch). I assume you have heard
all the talk about proper practices,
so I won't bug you with it yet again.
Yes, we FOSS programmers need to eat too! ;-) No seriously, any help you can
offer goes a long way toward continued development of Rubyworks projects,
including Hashery. Hop over to our Gittips
page, or see the upper right-hand corner on the Rubyworks homepage.
Copyright (c) 2010 Rubyworks
Licensed under the BSD-2-Clause license.
See LICENSE.txt file for further details.
Some libraries included in the Hashery have special copyrights
attributing specific authors. Please see each library script for
specifics and the NOTICE.txt file for an overview.