==== Status 2014/07: looking for sponsoring/new maintainers.
= hetzner-api
A HTTParty[http://httparty.rubyforge.org/] based wrapper for Hetzner.de's server management API.
see http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Robot_Webservice/en for details.
== Installation
gem install hetzner-api
(you may want to use sudo for that.)
== Example
See spec/hetzner_api_spec.rb[link:spec/hetzner_api_spec.rb] for nice examples!
h = Hetzner::API.new "username", "password"
h.reset? ""
h.enable_rescue! "", "linux", "64"
h.reset! "", :sw
h.wol! ""
h.rdns! "", "web100.falkenstein.de.example.com"
== Continuous Integration
{Build Status on Travis-CI}[link:http://travis-ci.org/rmoriz/hetzner-api]:
== Coverage
should list available reset options for all servers
should list available reset options for a specific IP
should fail when IP is unknown
should fail when IP has no reset option
should reset the specific IP
should fail for the specific IP if input is invalid
should fail for the specific IP if a manual reset is active
should fail for the specific IP if reset is unavailable
should fail for the specific IP if IP is unknown
query boot configuration
should display the boot configuration
the rescue system
should be able to activate
should be able to deactivate
should query the current rdns status
should be able to set a new ptr
should be able to remove a new ptr
should be able to query vnc boot status
should be able to set vnc boot status
should be able to disable vnc boot status
should be able to query WOL status
should be able to send a WOL notification
should be able to display all IP addresses of the customer account
should be able to display a IP address of the customer account
should be able to display all IP addresses for a given server IP address
manage traffic warnings
should be able to activate and set traffic warning limits on a specific IP address
should be able to deactivate traffic warnings for a specific IP address
should be able to display all IP subnets of the customer account
should be able to display a IP subnet of the customer account
should be able to display all IP addresses for a given server IP address
manage traffic warnings
should be able to activate and set traffic warning limits on a specific IP address
should be able to deactivate traffic warnings for a specific IP address
should be able to set a server_name
should be able to display all servers of the customer account
should be able to display a specific server by its IP address
should be able to query plesk boot option status
should be able to activate plesk boot option
should be able to disable plesk boot option
should be able to query the status of all failover IPs
should be able to query the status of a single failover IP
should be able to set the status of a single failover IP
should display the traffic for a specific ip address and a subnet
should display the traffic for serveral IP addresse and no subnet
should display the traffic for subnets and no ip address
== Readme (rdoc)
This is not an official Hetzner AG project.
The gem and the author are not related to Hetzner AG!
Use at your very own risk! Satisfaction NOT guaranteed!
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2012 Roland Moriz. See LICENSE for details.
{Ruby on Rails Freelancer}[https://roland.io/]
{Ruby on Rails Entwicklung}[https://moriz.de/] -> Moriz GmbH