Building the project
Building the project comprises of four steps
Step 1
Compile the Java code into Java class files by running the following in the root of the project directory
javac -cp 'lib/dependencies/*' java-src/*.java
Step 2
Create the build/ directory
mkdir -p build/uk/gov/hmrc/mark
Step 3
Move the class files into the build directory
mv java-src/*.class build/uk/gov/hmrc/mark
Step 4
Bundle the files into a .jar file
cd build/ && jar cfv markcalc.jar uk/gov/hmrc/mark && cd -
Step 5
Move the new .jar file into the lib/ directory
mv build/markcalc.jar lib/dependencies/
Step 6
Delete the build directory
rm -rf build/
Step 7
Update and add new tests to cover changes
Step 8
Run specs rake test
Step 8
Bump the version of the gem in the .gemspec
Note: All commands must be run in the root of the project
You will need Java 17.0.1 or later installed.