= Inquisition
== Introduction
Inquisition will sanitize HTML as to help avoid cross site scripting attacks!
It keeps your strings heresy-free.
== How
Inquisition offers you three methods on Object:
cleanse_attr *attributes, options
cleanse_attr_reader *attributes, options
cleanse_attr_writer *attributes, options
These methods will wrap your getters and/or setters for an attribute through a
HTML5 Sanitizer. This should help to protect against most kinds of cross site
scripting attacks.
For example:
cleanse_attr :name, :allow => {:name => /()/}
The above example will clean all values written to or read from the name
attribute, but will not remove strong tags.
== Installation
sudo gem install thumblemonks-inquisition
== Copyright
lib/html5lib_sanitize.rb Copyright (c) Jacques Distler
Everything else is Copyright (c) 2009 Alexander Rakoczy. See LICENSE for details.