= Negative Named Scope
Tired of writing both the positive and negative versions of a named_scope?
Negative Named Scope will automatically generate the NOT'd version of your
named scope.
Warning: Ruby may treat !nil == true but SQL treats NOT NULL as NULL, see:
== Example
named_scope :approved, :conditions => { :approved => true }
=> named_scope :not_approved, :conditions => "NOT (approved = 't')"
named_scope :published, :conditions => { :published => true }, :negative => :unpublished
=> named_scope :unpublished, :conditions => "NOT (published = 't')"
named_scope :created_after, lambda { |value| { :conditions => ['created_after', value] } }
=> named_scope :not_created_after, lambda { |value| :conditions => ["NOT (created_after > = ?)", value] }
suppress the automatic negative named_scope generation
named_scope :great, :conditions => { :great => true }, :negative => false
== Install
As a Rails plugin:
./script/plugin install git://github.com/jqr/negative_named_scope.git
Prefer gems?
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install jqr-negative_named_scope
Homepage:: http://github.com/jqr/negative_named_scope
License:: Copyright (c) 2008 Elijah Miller mailto:elijah.miller@gmail.com, released under the MIT license