== Welcome to Contacts
Contacts is a universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo.
== Download
== Background
For a long time, the only way to get a list of contacts from your free online email accounts was with proprietary PHP scripts that would cost you $50. The act of grabbing that list is a simple matter of screen scrapping and this library gives you all the functionality you need. Thanks to the generosity of the highly popular Rails website MOG (http://mog.com) for allowing this library to be released open-source to the world. It is easy to extend this library to add new free email providers, so please contact the author if you would like to help.
== Usage
Contacts::Hotmail.new(login, password).contacts # => [["name", "foo@bar.com"], ["another name", "bow@wow.com"]]
Contacts::Yahoo.new(login, password).contacts
Contacts::Gmail.new(login, password).contacts
Contacts.new(:gmail, login, password).contacts
Contacts.new(:hotmail, login, password).contacts
Contacts.new(:yahoo, login, password).contacts
Contacts.guess(login, password).contacts
Notice there are three ways to use this library so that you can limit the use as much as you would like in your particular application. The Contacts.guess method will automatically concatenate all the address book contacts from each of the successful logins in the case that a username password works across multiple services.
== Examples
See the examples/ directory.
== Authors
== Contributors
== Forked by jwhitmire
The purpose of my fork is to use the simple structure of the existing contacts gem and expand it to support the new OAuth based authentication APIs provided by email carriers. It would also be nice to have this support all Portable Contact providers (great initiative led by Plaxo). It is also my intention to expand the test coverage and not require real accounts with the providers in order to test the behavior, though some level of connection test is still useful in case they change their API.
My Todo List:
Support Gmail Contacts API
Support Plaxo Portable Contacts
Support Yahoo API
Support Microsoft Live API
Add support for Facebook?
Add support for LinkedIn?
Add support for Twitter?
This library is released under the terms of the BSD.