A quick-and-dirty lightweight profiler that allows you to measure
the various steps in walltime. The main benefit of this is that it
is much easier to control and interpret the output than raw
profiling data which can overwhelm you.
Calling MiniProf.profile returns a block containing a MiniProf
instance. This instance will record the time for each step when you
feed in a step description via the << operator.
This tool is indented for development only. We probably don't ever
want to commit active MiniProf code and/or release it to production.
Sample usage
johnmudhead:pikimal grant$ cat mini_prof_test.rb
def test_method
MiniProf.profile do |tick|
#simulated possibly long operation
sleep 1
tick << "Step one complete"
# simulated really long operation
sleep 5
tick << "Step two complete"
johnmudhead:pikimal grant$ rails console < mini_prof_test.rb
Loading development environment (Rails 3.0.7)
Tick: (0 ms since last, 0 ms since start) Started mini_prof...
Tick: (1000 ms since last, 1000 ms since start) Step one complete
Tick: (5000 ms since last, 6000 ms since start) Step two complete
Tick: (0 ms since last, 6000 ms since start) Ended mini_prof...
=> nil
ruby-1.9.2-p0 >
Verifying the software
The gem is signed with
Assuming you have rubygems-openpgp configured, you can verify the
gem install bmf --verify
More details are available at the rubygems-openpgp project
Signing Key:
pub 2048R/E3B5806F 2010-01-11 [expires: 2014-01-03]
Key fingerprint = A530 C31C D762 0D26 E2BA C384 B6F6 FFD0 E3B5 806F
uid Grant T. Olson (Personal email) <kgo at grant-olson dot net>
sub 2048R/6A8F7CF6 2010-01-11 [expires: 2014-01-03]
sub 2048R/A18A54D6 2010-03-01 [expires: 2014-01-03]
sub 2048R/D53982CE 2010-08-31 [expires: 2014-01-03]