h1. Merb_XMPP
A plugin for the Merb framework that allows you to send XMPP/Jabber notifications from Merb applications.
If you quickly want to notify a user (if his cheeseburger is ready), this is the plugin you need!
It doesn't seperate composition and sending into micro MVC yet (like merb-mailer does), but that's on my TODO list (just like merging with merb-mailer).
h2. Installation
(sudo) gem install mlangenberg-merb_xmpp
h2. Configuration
Add a 'merb_xmpp' dependency in init.rb and add set the configuration like so.
Merb::Xmpp.config = {
:user => 'user@jabber.org',
:password => 'some-secrect-password',
:persistent => true, #this is optional if you don't want the jabber client to disconnect after delivery
:test_send => true #also optional, will add messages to Merb::Xmpp.deliveries array instead of sending.
h2. Usage
Sending a jabber message to a user is really easy:
message = Merb::Xmpp.new(:to => 'another_user@jabber.org', :body => 'cheezburger ready!')
You can also specify multiple receipients.
message = Merb::Xmpp.new(:to => ['user_one@jabber.org', 'user_two@jabber.org'], :body => 'cheezburger ready!')