:: wmainfo-rb ::
Author: Darren Kirby
License: Ruby
= Quick API docs =
== Initializing ==
require 'wmainfo'
foo = WmaInfo.new("someSong.wma")
... or ...
foo = WmaInfo.new("someVideo.wmv", :encoding=>"UTF-16LE")
(default encoding is ASCII)
... or ...
foo = WmaInfo.new("someVideo.wmv", :debug=>1)
== Public attributes ==
@drm :: 'true' if DRM present else 'false'
@tags :: dict of strings (id3 like data)
@info :: dict of variable types (non-id3 like data)
@ext_info :: dict of variable types (non-id3 like data) from ASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object
@headerObject :: dict of arrays (name, GUID, size and offset of ASF objects)
@stream :: dict of variable types (stream properties data)
== Public methods ==
print_objects :: pretty-print header objects
hasdrm? :: returns True if file has DRM
hastag?('str') :: returns True if @tags['str'] exists
print_tags :: pretty-print @tags dict
hasinfo?('str') :: returns True if @info['str'] exists
print_info :: pretty-print @info dict
print_stream :: pretty-print @stream dict
For more/different documentation see http://badcomputer.org/unix/code/wmainfo/
== Thanks/Contributors ==
Ilmari Heikkinen sent in a fix for uninitialized '@ext_info'.
Guillaume Pierronnet sent in a patch which improves character encoding handling.