OneFlow Jekyll Theme
What is it
OneFlow is a Jekyll Theme designed to create stunning, clear and practical modern One-Pager Websites.
It offers lots of features and customization options, so you can easily create a Site that matches your own or your client's wishes for design and structure.
Check out the Theme Website showcasing and explaining the various opportunities the theme offers, and also check out the first example website and the second example website to see a few of the different design options the theme offers.
Full documentation
Extensive documentation for OneFlow is available here.
Getting started & development
Fork and clone this repository
The vision of this theme is simplicity and accessibility, to easily create stunning websites from scratch.
Therefore, it's not available as a classic gem-based Jekyll theme, but as a ready-to-use GitHub repository that you just need to fork and clone.
So, get ahead and make a fork of this repository, rename it if you like to suit the name of the site you want to create, locally clone it, and directly start editing!
How to start a development docker container
To test your website and see all of your changes in real-time without deploying it online, you can easily build your site locally.
- Make sure you have Bundler and Docker installed.
- Open up a terminal, navigate to your local repository, and run
docker compose up
Your site will then be visible at
in any browser.